Lateral Boundary Conditions?

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Lateral Boundary Conditions?

#1 Unread post by rwdell »


I am new to ROMS and I was hoping that some other users might be willing to help me with the difficult time I'm having selecting appropriate lateral boundary conditions for an idealized ROMS model run. I'm trying to model 2D bottom boundary current flowing up a bottom of constant slope. Since the flow is 2D and the slope goes north-south, I set
in the Include/*.h file for the east-west boundary condition. However, since the topography is not periodic I cannot use the boundary condition NS_PERIODIC. I think I need open boundary conditions on the north and south boundaries because the current should be entering the domain on the northern boundary and exiting the domain on the southern boundary. cppdefs.h lists more than 20 different kinds of open boundary conditions that can be applied in ROMS, and I do not know what most of them are. I checked the past forums and the wikiROMS page, but there's not much in the way of documentation describing the various boundary conditions, so could anyone suggest which one or ones might be appropriate in my situation?

Thanks very much,

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Re: Lateral Boundary Conditions?

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

take a look at some of the boundary conditions used for the TEST_CHAN, ESTUARY_TEST, etc. That may provide some guidance for OBC choices in your app.

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Re: Lateral Boundary Conditions?

#3 Unread post by leon »

There is some information about the bounday conditons.Hope this is useful.


I have the similar problem. I am cofused with the different boundary condtions, especially the open bounday condtion options. I don't know the detail phsycial means and how to use them appropriately.

I hope somebody can tell some details about the different boundary condtion options, especially the phsycial meaning.



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Re: Lateral Boundary Conditions?

#4 Unread post by crowley »

Check the bibliography link on the ROMS homepage for a paper (with pdf link) on boundary conditions by Marchesiello et al. This paper also has references to many other helpful sources (Orlanski, Flather, Chapman, etc.) I recall finding the Palma & Matano papers quite helpful when first learning about BCs.

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