Could someone recommend me literature regarding numerical conservation of PV, density... etc ? Books, articles, related to ROMS, or in general regarding numerical ocean models are all welcome.
Thank you very much in advanced!!
p.s. lagrangian context is specially welcome but eulerian also very welcome!
PV and stuff conservation
Re: PV and stuff conservation
This doesn't talk about PV conservation, but it does talk about ROMS vs T and S conservation:
Shchepetkin, A. F., and J. C. McWilliams, 2008: Computational kernel algorithms for fine-scale, multi-process, long-time oceanic simulations. In: Handbook of Numerical Analysis: Computational Methods for the Ocean and the Atmosphere, eds. R. Temam & J. Tribbia, Elsevier Science, ISBN-10: 0444518932, ISBN-13: 978-0444518934.