Compiler error when turn on AVERAGES_DETIDE

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Compiler error when turn on AVERAGES_DETIDE

#1 Unread post by backkom »

Hi all,

I got some compiling problem :? and hope that anyone has the experience can give me some guidance.

My ROMS version is 561. Since there are more than one tidal components included in my tidal forcing file, I am trying to turn on the cpp option: AVERAGES_DETIDE to remove the tidal signal from my output. But I got the following errors when compiling:

PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 79)
PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 82)
PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 85)
PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 88)
PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 91)
PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 94)
PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 97)
PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 100)
PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 103)
PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 106)
PGF90-S-0078-Wrong number of subscripts specified for vid (def_tides.f90: 111)
0 inform, 0 warnings, 11 severes, 0 fatal for def_tides

I have already turned on the AVERAGES option before I turn on AVERAGES_DETIDE, I think this should be enough to turn on above option, am I missing something else?

I will really appreciated to any helpful suggestions.

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Re: Compiler error when turn on AVERAGES_DETIDE

#2 Unread post by kate »

It told you exactly what the problem is - the number of indices for Vid. Looking in def_tides.F, I see:

Code: Select all

while in mod_tides.F, there is:

Code: Select all

allocate ( TIDE(ng)%Vid(NV) )
. Try taking away the ,ng from the ones in def_tides.F. If that works, submit a patch to the ROMS trac system.

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Re: Compiler error when turn on AVERAGES_DETIDE

#3 Unread post by backkom »

Hi, Kate

Thanks so much for your kind reply.

It works after I removed the 2th dimension: "ng" from variables: TIDE(ng)%Vid in def_tide.F. I have already create a ticket to ROMS track.

Again thanks for your help.

Best regards.

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Re: Compiler error when turn on AVERAGES_DETIDE

#4 Unread post by arango »

Yes, this a typo. Please update. The repository was corrected. For more information check the following :arrow: ticket.

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