compile upwelling to serial/parallel versions

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compile upwelling to serial/parallel versions

#1 Unread post by yanb »


We try to compile the upwelling example into three versions:
1. serial
2. parallel using openmpi
3. parallel using mvapich2

We use gfortran 4.3 and netcdf-3.6.3. The netcdf-3.6.3 is compiled as a shared library
with the following commands:

configure --prefix=/data/progs/netcdf/3.6.3 --enable-shared
make -j8 && make check && make install

and we specify 'LIBS := -L$(NETCDF_LIBDIR) -lnetcdf -lnetcdff' in roms/src/Compilers/
to link it to ROMS. The serial version and openmpi version compile and run well, but the
mvapich2 version can't compile and here is the error info:

/usr/bin/cpp -P -traditional -DMPI -DLINUX -DX86_64 -DGFORTRAN -D'ROOT_DIR="/data1/progs/roms/src"' -DUPWELLING -D'HEADER="upwelling.h"' -D'ROMS_HEADER="/data/progs/roms/projects/upwelling-mvapich2/upwelling.h"' -DNestedGrids=1 -D'ANALYTICAL_DIR="/data/progs/roms/projects/upwelling-mvapich2"' -D'MY_ANALYTICAL="on"' -D'SVN_REV="514M"' -IROMS/Include -I/data/progs/roms/projects/upwelling-mvapich2 -IROMS/Nonlinear -IROMS/Nonlinear/Biology -IROMS/Nonlinear/Sediment -IROMS/Utility -IROMS/Drivers -IROMS/Functionals -I/data/progs/roms/projects/upwelling-mvapich2 -IMaster -ICompilers -D'HEADER_DIR="/data/progs/roms/projects/upwelling-mvapich2"' ROMS/Utility/distribute.F > /data/progs/roms/projects/upwelling-mvapich2/Build/distribute.f90
ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean /data/progs/roms/projects/upwelling-mvapich2/Build/distribute.f90
cd /data/progs/roms/projects/upwelling-mvapich2/Build; /usr/local/mvapich2-1.5/bin/mpif90 -c -frepack-arrays -fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none distribute.f90
Fatal Error: Reading module netcdf at line 23 column 34: Expected integer
make: *** [/data/progs/roms/projects/upwelling-mvapich2/Build/distribute.o] Error 1

We also test with the static library of netcdf-3.6.3, it still gives the same error.

Can you please suggest what causes this error?

Beichuan Yan

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Re: compile upwelling to serial/parallel versions

#2 Unread post by kate »

distribute.f90 is trying to "use netcdf" and the failure is happening during the reading of the netcdf.mod file. Looking at a netcdf.mod produced by gfortran, this is the header:

Code: Select all

GFORTRAN module created from netcdf.f90 on Thu Oct  7 10:40:20 2010
If you edit this, you'll get what you deserve.
and this is lines 22-23:

Code: Select all

(143 'nf90_abort' 'netcdf' 1 ((PROCEDURE UNKNOWN-INTENT MODULE-PROC DECL
FUNCTION) (INTEGER 4 ()) 144 0 (145) () 143 () ())
If you are using the same compiler and same netcdf files for both versions of MPI, I don't understand what you are seeing at all - unless you've confused the compiler with something in the MPI.


Re: compile upwelling to serial/parallel versions

#3 Unread post by yanb »

Thanks, Kate. We solved this problem, and the latest ROMS and NETCDF work, too.
One more thing, I receive emails titled "What is new in the ROMS Forum" from every day, but I did not subscribe to any forums or
topics. Can you please unsubscribe me from this update?


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Re: compile upwelling to serial/parallel versions

#4 Unread post by arango »

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