
Discussions, suggestions and corrections to ROMS/TOMS documentation currently under developement.

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#1 Unread post by arango »

Use this thread to point out typographical errors in the ROMS/TOMS user manual.

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Typo in the model formulation

#2 Unread post by bjorn »


Not a big deal, but the documentation should be correct.
In the v momentum equation, -fu should changed to +fu

Bjørn Ådlandsvik

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#3 Unread post by stef »

In the vertical boundary conditions for z=zeta there should be the total time derivative of zeta for the w condition. If I understand correctly, the advective terms are missing.

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Re: Typos

#4 Unread post by rsoutelino »


I was browsing on wikiroms User Guide > Source Code > Functionals section and I think I found a typo regarding ana_hmixcoef.h. It says "For providing analytic atmospheric cloud fraction." in spite of something related to horizontal mixing.

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Typo in Wikiroms Functionals Section

#5 Unread post by rsoutelino »

Hi, I found another typo at WikiROMS Functionals section:
ana_nudgcoef.h is defined as: "For providing analytic atmospheric humidity"

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Re: Typos

#6 Unread post by kate »

Right you are, thanks!

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Re: Typos

#7 Unread post by kchu.tw »

I guess that there is a typo in P.91 of ROMS Manual.
The "ana_sbflux" in the sixth line from section 7.2.6 (Model forcing) is not in /Functionals.
Should it be "ana_srflux" ?
Best regards, Kai-Cheng, Hu.

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Re: Typos

#8 Unread post by kate »

You are most likely correct although I don't have the manual with me. Thanks!

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Re: Typos

#9 Unread post by kthyng »

The WikiROMS page on open boundary conditions (https://www.myroms.org/wiki/index.php/B ... _condition) appears to have the multiplying gravity terms mixed up between the Flather and Chapman boundary conditions. The Flather boundary condition should have \sqrt{g/h} not \sqrt{gD} and vice versa for Chapman.

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Re: Typos

#10 Unread post by kthyng »

I think there is another typo on WikiROMS in the section for horizontal and vertical advection (https://www.myroms.org/wiki/index.php/N ... _Advection). The units don't seem to be working out in the equation for advection of tracer C, or perhaps I am missing something.

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Re: Typos

#11 Unread post by kthyng »

At risk of being super annoying, I have another possible typo:

On WikiROMS, under Equations of Motion > Horizontal Boundary Conditions (https://www.myroms.org/wiki/index.php/E ... Conditions), it says
Boundary conditions on these masked regions are straightforward, with a choice of no-slip or free-slip walls.
However, the code in Utilities/metrics.F, when masking is defined for the simulation, says (Line 521)
Set no-slip boundary conditions on land-mask boundaries regardless of supplied value of gamma2.

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Re: Typos

#12 Unread post by kate »

kthyng wrote:The WikiROMS page on open boundary conditions (https://www.myroms.org/wiki/index.php/B ... _condition) appears to have the multiplying gravity terms mixed up between the Flather and Chapman boundary conditions. The Flather boundary condition should have \sqrt{g/h} not \sqrt{gD} and vice versa for Chapman.
I'm glad someone is finally reading this.
The units don't seem to be working out in the equation for advection of tracer C, or perhaps I am missing something.
Perhaps you are missing the fact that u,v still have units of m/s while omega is simply 1/s.
Set no-slip boundary conditions on land-mask boundaries regardless of supplied value of gamma2.
The code here is setting the land mask on psi points, used in:
! Compute flux-components of the horizontal divergence of the stress
! tensor (m5/s2) in XI- and ETA-directions.
It seems that only the outside walls can have free slip or no slip if I understand the code correctly.

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Re: Typos

#13 Unread post by kthyng »

Perhaps you are missing the fact that u,v still have units of m/s while omega is simply 1/s
I think that the terms are inconsistent regardless of omega's units because the time derivative term has an extra length scale in the denominator. Also, with units of 1/s, the omega term then has two extra length scales in it, relative to the x- and y-derivative terms.
It seems that only the outside walls can have free slip or no slip if I understand the code correctly.
That is my understanding as well. I do think it is then worth noting that masked regions in the interior of numerical domains are always no-slip.

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Re: Typos

#14 Unread post by kate »

kthyng wrote:I think that the terms are inconsistent regardless of omega's units because the time derivative term has an extra length scale in the denominator. Also, with units of 1/s, the omega term then has two extra length scales in it, relative to the x- and y-derivative terms.
You should know that m is like 1/dx, n is like 1/dy, both having units of 1/m.
That is my understanding as well. I do think it is then worth noting that masked regions in the interior of numerical domains are always no-slip.
You are right. It didn't used to be the case (when I understood what was going on), but Sasha has touched everything.


Re: Typos

#15 Unread post by kapitzah »

In the explanation of cppdefs.h in WikiROMS UV_COR links to a page which has the wrong content. What is shown there is actually a copy of the page pointed to by UV_ADV.


Re: Typos

#16 Unread post by kapitzah »

On page 123 of the user manual right after formula (244) the value of z for sigma=-1 should be -h (not h).


Re: Typos

#17 Unread post by kapitzah »

In the explanation of variable "Vstretching" the possible (and default) value of 4 is not present.

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Re: Typos

#18 Unread post by kate »

Are you sure you have the 2012 manual?


Re: Typos

#19 Unread post by kapitzah »

kate wrote:Are you sure you have the 2012 manual?
OK, my fault. My comment referred to the 2010 manual and not to the draft.

But the issues concerning "Vstretching" and "UV_COR" are still open since they refer to the Wiki. To be more specific here are the pages I refer to:


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Re: Typos

#20 Unread post by kate »

Please contact Dave Robertson if you would like to become a wiki editor.

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