question about plotting

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question about plotting

#1 Unread post by susonic »

Dear Users,

I have some problem with plotting.
The ncl was successfully complied but I got an error message when I run the idt gmeta.
The error message is,
'reading stdout of translator: Resource temporarily unavailable. Translator aborted'

Have you ever seen this message? and if so, what would be the solution?

Thanks in advance,

-Joon ho
Joonho Lee

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Re: question about plotting

#2 Unread post by kate »

You're using ncl to make plots? Is it making a file named "gmeta"? Can we see your ncl script?

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Re: question about plotting

#3 Unread post by davidpadilla »

Hello, I have the same problem and my ncl script is:

2007 -1 : year and starting year-day (use yearday<0, for no time label)
ROMS 3.0
Wind-Driven Upwelling/Downwelling over a Periodic Channel
Time-averaged fields
Potential Temperature (C), salinity, u, v, w, omega
1 NFIELDS: number of fields to plot. Line below, field(s) types:
23 field identification: FLDID(1:NFIELDS).
0 FRSTD : first day (>0) or time record (<0) to plot
0 LASTD : last day (>0) or time record (<0) to plot
0 DSKIP : plot every other DSKIP days (see below)
1 FINDX : forecast record to process, if any (atmospheric files only).
0 ISECPOS: section positions: [0] grid units, [1] Cartesian, [2] spherical
21 XSEC1 : starting section X-position (grid units, or km, or degrees).
1 YSEC1 : starting section Y-position (grid units, or km, or degrees).
21 XSEC2 : ending section X-position (grid units, or km, or degrees).
82 YSEC2 : ending section Y-position (grid units, or km, or degrees).
1.0 DELS : section horizontal grid spacing (km or degrees).
0 SZTOP : shallowest section depth to consider (meters).
150 SZBOT : deepest section depth to consider (meters).
16 KMS : number of refiment section levels between SZTOP and SZBOT.
10 PMIN : field minimum value for color palette (0.0 for default).
25 PMAX : field maximum value for color palette (0.0 for default).
0 ICNT : draw contours between color bands: 0=no, 1=yes.
1 IREF : secondary or reference field option (see below).
4 IDOVER : overlay field identification (for IREF=1,2 only).
0.0 RMIN : overlay field minimum value to consider (0.0 for default).
0.0 RMAX : overlay field maximum value to consider (0.0 for default).
1 NPAGE : number of plots per page (currently 1, 2, or 4).
1 IFILL : mask area below water column: [0] no, [1] yes.
F READGRD: logical switch to read in positions from grid NetCDF file.
F PLTLOGO: logical switch Logo.
T WRTHDR : logical switch to write out the plot header titles.
T WRTBLAB: logical switch to write out the plot bottom title.
T WRTRANG: logical switch to write out data range values and CI.
F WRTFNAM: logical switch to write out input primary filename.
F WRTDATE: logical switch to write out current date.


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Re: question about plotting

#4 Unread post by kate »

I would call that using Hernan's Fortran plotting code, not NCL (which is a scripting language), but whatever.

Do you have a gmeta file? Have you set the NCARG_ROOT environment variable? Do you have a working X11? Did you set the GRAPHCAP environment variable?

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Re: question about plotting

#5 Unread post by jklinck »

I have seen this problem with the use of IDT, which is an interactive translator for ncar metacode. I have had trouble installing ncar graphics and getting idt to work. Try the following test

ctrans -d X11 gmeta

which is the non-interactive metacode translator. This should open a window and show the first figure. Hit return to see frames in sequence. You will not be able to go backwards. If this works, then the problem is with idt. Talk to the systems person to look at the install log. The likely problem is that the install procedure did not find the X11 libraries (or some such error).

I assume that you are on a computer with Xwindows (linix/unix/mac computers).

BTW, I have not been able to install ncargraphics (version 4 or 5) on a linux computer with the intel compilers and have idt work. Everything else does, so I have not taken the time to dig through the install junk and find the problem.

I hope this helps.


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Re: question about plotting

#6 Unread post by davidpadilla »

Hello, I've solved it setting NCARG_ROOT enviroment variable.

Thank's Kate and John


David Padilla

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