I have been using roms-2.1 and recently upgraded to roms-2.2
When compiling I am getting the following error.
"uv3dmix.f90", line 14.6: 1515-032 (S) CONTAINS statement must be followed by at least one procedure.
"uv3dmix.f90", 1516-036 (S) Entity uv3dmix4 has undefined type.
** uv3dmix_mod === End of Compilation 1 ===
1501-511 Compilation failed for file uv3dmix.f90.
gmake: *** [uv3dmix.o] Error 1
rm mod_kinds.f90
Can anyone throw light on the reason. Thanx in advance
Problems in compiling roms-2.2
Solved but..
Hi all,
The problem with the compiling was avoided when the NONLINEAR switch in globaldefs.h was undefined. But the roms-2.2 is not running after the time step starting. Actually my model does not calculate anything.
0:NL ROMS/TOMS: started time-stepping:( TimeSteps: 00000361 - 00008640)
0: Elapsed CPU time (seconds):
0: Node # 0 CPU: 1.210
1: Node # 1 CPU: 1.520
2: Node # 2 CPU: 1.520
3: Node # 3 CPU: 1.530
4: Node # 4 CPU: 1.530
5: Node # 5 CPU: 1.520
6: Node # 6 CPU: 1.520
7: Node # 7 CPU: 1.520
8: Node # 8 CPU: 1.530
9: Node # 9 CPU: 1.530
10: Node # 10 CPU: 1.520
11: Node # 11 CPU: 1.530
12: Node # 12 CPU: 1.530
0: Total: 24.070
0: Nonlinear model elapsed time profile:
This way the model is shown as finished without doing anything. I am into the investigating. If anyone has fixed or encountered such a problem. Please help me out.
Thanks and Cheers
The problem with the compiling was avoided when the NONLINEAR switch in globaldefs.h was undefined. But the roms-2.2 is not running after the time step starting. Actually my model does not calculate anything.
0:NL ROMS/TOMS: started time-stepping:( TimeSteps: 00000361 - 00008640)
0: Elapsed CPU time (seconds):
0: Node # 0 CPU: 1.210
1: Node # 1 CPU: 1.520
2: Node # 2 CPU: 1.520
3: Node # 3 CPU: 1.530
4: Node # 4 CPU: 1.530
5: Node # 5 CPU: 1.520
6: Node # 6 CPU: 1.520
7: Node # 7 CPU: 1.520
8: Node # 8 CPU: 1.530
9: Node # 9 CPU: 1.530
10: Node # 10 CPU: 1.520
11: Node # 11 CPU: 1.530
12: Node # 12 CPU: 1.530
0: Total: 24.070
0: Nonlinear model elapsed time profile:
This way the model is shown as finished without doing anything. I am into the investigating. If anyone has fixed or encountered such a problem. Please help me out.
Thanks and Cheers
Thank you Kate for the response.
I will explain the process in detail. I have been using roms2.1 for the Indian ocean. DAMEE_4 was customised for it. Now I am upgrading to roms2.2. At first I used a fifth year restart file from a roms2.1 run for the run. But I encountered the above error. Then I have tried to start the model from rest. Then also I was getting the same error. The initial file which was created was working well with roms2.1. I am not understanding why this is happening.
You have assumed correctly that it has read the initial file. The output is the last message I am getting (I have copy pasted the last part). It is even showing that the time stepping also started
I will explain the process in detail. I have been using roms2.1 for the Indian ocean. DAMEE_4 was customised for it. Now I am upgrading to roms2.2. At first I used a fifth year restart file from a roms2.1 run for the run. But I encountered the above error. Then I have tried to start the model from rest. Then also I was getting the same error. The initial file which was created was working well with roms2.1. I am not understanding why this is happening.
You have assumed correctly that it has read the initial file. The output is the last message I am getting (I have copy pasted the last part). It is even showing that the time stepping also started
Here's where you have to become a detective. If you have a working debugger you like, great, otherwise print statements work too, if you're careful. It might be easier to tackle this in serial mode, if possible. What you need to find out is where in the code it bails out. You aren't getting core files, are you? Are they disabled? If you get core files, you can recomile -g and perhaps get some useful information out that way.