questions about data assimilation IS4DVAR or OI

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questions about data assimilation IS4DVAR or OI

#1 Unread post by stone »

hello , I rencently learn some materials about ROMS data assimilation.
I want to do a tide simulation with ROMS by assimilating T/P data and some tide gauge data.
I only want a simple try for a 2D case, and I am thinking about OI and IS4DVAR.
I now have basically two questions:
1> I know IS4DVAR can deal with this 2D case. It can adjust its initial state,open boundary forcing,
air-sea boundary foring,right? Can that help me do a better tide simulation? I means for tide ,
initial state may be not important,the open boundary I think it's goog enough for me(so I think don't need adjust OB),
What I really care may be the waterdepth modification and the bottom friction coef (my domain is very large ,
about 40*40deg,I tried UV_Logdrag in 3D case and UV_Qdrag ,and I aslo tried to give a spacially varying Cd,but ).
Can Roms do that for me?
OR ...
2> May I just use the simple OI method? That maybe easier and less resource consuming if I only care
about the tide simulation result.
However is ASSIMILATION_SSH still working in Roms V3.2 . If it is, How can generate a Netcdf it need,I can't find
a cdl script creating this kind of nc files.

Any advice and Plsease point out the mistakes for correction if any.
Thanks in advance.

Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:59 pm
Location: second institution of oceanography,state oceanic administration China

Re: questions about data assimilation IS4DVAR or OI

#2 Unread post by slvester »

Hello stone.I will do some flow simulation with ROMS IS4DVAR in the Northenwest Pacific domain(It is also very large) and assimilate Argo data et al.
I am the beginner with ROMS.
OI is more easy ,but if OI is still in the ROMS?I can not find it.
there are some advice for data assimilation,I think it is very useful:
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=167&p=5672&hilit=da ... tion#p5672

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