Restart-Data do not append to existing file

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Restart-Data do not append to existing file

#1 Unread post by cathyyangfeng »

I met a problem when I tried to use the "restart" function of ROMS3.0. I hope my data could append to the existing "HIS" and "DIA" file. But it never happens, I have set NRREC > 0 and LDEFOUT = F.

Here is a detail:

My time step was by minutes, and I wrote the records to "HIS" and "DIA" file by day. For each file, it contains 25 records.

I hope I can do an Exact Restart, so I set

LcycleRST == T
NRST == 1

For keeping only the last two records in the restart file,

The Output history, average, diagnostic files parameters are:


NHIS == 1440
NDEFHIS == 36000
NAVG == 14400
NDEFAVG == 36000
NDIA == 1440
NDEFDIA == 36000


I what the model run for the whole year, so I set
NTIMES = 525600

After the model run 3 month on the cluster, the program stopped because limited time and space for each user. The his(dia) his(dia) his(dia) files and file produced. I remove the * and * The * has only 20 records. I restart my running. However, the data could not append to the existing * file but start from a new one. I thought this may be because of the removal of * * files. So, I run the model again then restart. But the new produced file still not appending but covering the original * and * files!

I think I have made the correct setting (LDEFOUT = F, NRREC = 2) for the appending, is there anyone met the same problem? Please help me out, thanks so much!

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Re: Restart-Data do not append to existing file

#2 Unread post by kate »

In my opinion, this has been buggy for years. It's easier just to move the old files to storage and let it make new ones (LDEFOUT = T). I rewrote it at one point and Hernan sort of put it into the distribution ROMS, but it hasn't been through a regression test ensuring that it does the right thing in all cases. That would be a test I would ask for in the test framework that's being developed at USGS.

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Re: Restart-Data do not append to existing file

#3 Unread post by cathyyangfeng »

Thanks a lot for the soon reply. I'll just move and change the name right now.

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