seagrid error

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seagrid error

#1 Unread post by roknavy »

I ran seagrid on matlab72, everything worked well before saving a result file. It showed me a below error when I was saving seagrid result.
- I tried to save grid result without bathymetry, it didn't showed
any error.
- error only happen when I tried to save seagrid with bathymetry.

??? Undefined variable "u" or class "u.strips".
Error in ==> grid2mask at 183
x = get(u.strips(1), 'XData');
Error in ==> seagrid.domasktool at 126
theMask = grid2mask('done');
Error in ==> seagrid.dosave at 63
domasktool(self) % Turn it off.
Error in ==> seagrid.doevent at 281
dosave(self, theSeaGridOutputFile)
Error in ==> psevent at 25 8)
doevent(ps(gcbf), theEvent, theMessage);
??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback

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Re: seagrid error

#2 Unread post by kate »

Seagrid was written by Chuck Denham, who is no longer in the field of oceanography. I'm not sure if anyone is currently supporting seagrid.

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Re: seagrid error

#3 Unread post by koshik »


I am new user of ROMS model and I have the same problem as roknavy.
I can make a grid and compute the depth and mask but I can not to save it. Maybe I do somthing wrong or somebody know other way to produce the bathymetry file for model. Can anybody help me?

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Re: seagrid error

#4 Unread post by nils.lindeen »


I have the exact same problem. Has anyone managed to figure out a solution to this error? Thanks alot.




Re: seagrid error

#5 Unread post by dnavidad »


Does anybody finally solve this problem?

i have the same problem

??? Undefined variable "u" or class "u.strips".

Error in ==> grid2mask at 183
x = get(u.strips(1), 'XData');

Error in ==> seagrid.domasktool at 126
theMask = grid2mask('done');

Error in ==> seagrid.dosave at 63
domasktool(self) % Turn it off.

Error in ==> seagrid.doevent at 283

Error in ==> psevent at 25
doevent(ps(gcbf), theEvent, theMessage);

??? Error using ==> psevent Callback
Undefined variable "u" or class "u.strips".

??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback

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