I've just started using ROMS and wanted to use the stations output options. I don't see any references to this feature anywhere in the forum. Is it used much? Has anybody got a sample input file?
Using stations in ROMS
Moderators: arango, kate, robertson
Re: Using stations in ROMS
In ROMS_AGRIF, when defining the stations location, you have the choice of printing out the variable values at all sigma-layers, at a given layer, or at a given depth. From stations.in, I gather that this is not possible in ROMS, and that I will obtain data by default at all sigma layers for a given (i,j) - or (x,y)- location. Am I right? Is there any way of printing out the data at a specified depth, or even at a specified sigma-layer?
Re: Using stations in ROMS
You suppose correctly - you get the full stack of sigma values. What you ask could be done in the post-processing since you've got all the information you need in the stations file.
Re: Using stations in ROMS
[quote="kate"]What you ask could be done in the post-processing since you've got all the information you need in the stations file.[/quote]
True. Thank you very much, kate.
True. Thank you very much, kate.