hope you are doing fine.
I am constantly facing two problems with Pyroms https://github.com/ESMG/pyroms
I downloaded it and went through all the installation process in Ubuntu 20.04.
At some point in the installation instructions, a brief but clear description on scrip is given and it is suggested to compile it and then to copy the *.so file to a specific folder where it will be read.
Now, there are two main problems that I am facing.
In the file pyscrip.f90, line 138, there is the following line:
Code: Select all
open(iunit, file=namelist_file, status='old', form='formatted')
and when I do make the makefile all goes nice and smooth. The execution though fails with this error:
If I try to execute this command$ python3.7 make_remap_weights_file.py
Assuming spherical is integer b'T' <class 'numpy.ma.core.MaskedArray'>
Load geographical grid from file
grid shape2 40 20
grid shape2 40 19
grid shape2 39 20
At line 138 of file ./pyscrip.f90 (unit = 1)
Fortran runtime error: Bad FORM parameter in OPEN statement
Code: Select all
$ python3.7 make_remap_weights_file.py
I am completely lost. In that particular line, 138, a file name compute_remap_weights_in that contains the following:Assuming spherical is integer b'T' <class 'numpy.ma.core.MaskedArray'>
Load geographical grid from file
grid shape2 40 20
grid shape2 40 19
grid shape2 39 20
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Code: Select all
num_maps = 1
grid1_file = 'remap_grid_GLBy0.08_NEP_t.nc'
grid2_file = 'remap_grid_SOMELARGENAMEEE_rho.nc'
interp_file1 = 'remap_weights_GLBy0.08_to_SOMELARGENAMEEE_bilinear_t_to_rho.nc'
interp_file2 = 'remap_weights_SOMELARGENAMEEE_to_GLBy0.08_bilinear_rho_to_t.nc'
map1_name = 'GLBy0.08 to SOMELARGENAMEEE Bilinear Mapping'
map2_name = 'SOMELARGENAMEEE to GLBy0.08 Bilinear Mapping'
map_method = 'bilinear'
normalize_opt = 'fracarea'
output_opt = 'scrip'
restrict_type = 'latitude'
num_srch_bins = 90
luse_grid1_area = .false.
luse_grid2_area = .false.
grid1_periodic = .false.
grid2_periodic = .false.
The second mistake I get, comes later in line 142:
Code: Select all
select case(map_method)
case ('conservative')
map_type = map_type_conserv
luse_grid_centers = .false.
case ('bilinear')
map_type = map_type_bilinear
luse_grid_centers = .true.
case ('bicubic')
map_type = map_type_bicubic
luse_grid_centers = .true.
case ('distwgt')
map_type = map_type_distwgt
luse_grid_centers = .true.
case default
stop 'unknown mapping method'
end select
Does anybody have ever experienced any problem like this before? Can someone please bring some light into this?
Thank you in advance