I am trying to run ROMS using the restart file; however, the model asked for a history file to run the model. I wonder if I can override the requirement.
NETCDF_OPEN - unable to open existing NetCDF file:
call from: ROMS/Utility/def_his.F
Found Error: 03 Line: 4461 Source: ROMS/Utility/def_his.F
DEF_HIS - unable to open history NetCDF file: /scratch/user/d.kobashi/projects/hindcasts/projects/txla2/outputs/2010/ocean_his_parent_00011.nc
Found Error: 03 Line: 135 Source: ROMS/Nonlinear/output.F
Found Error: 03 Line: 630 Source: ROMS/Nonlinear/main3d.F
Found Error: 03 Line: 320 Source: ROMS/Drivers/nl_ocean.h
Elapsed CPU time (seconds):
DEF_HIS - unable to open history NetCDF file: /scratch/user/d.kobashi/projects/hindcasts/projects/txla2/outputs/2010/ocean_his_parent_00011.nc
This is not a continuous run. I want to run a nesting model using the restart file I have already (for the parent grid only). I have a restart file for a period of 1 year with daily frequency. I extracted the data from my restart file for a specific date using NCO and used it as initial conditions. However, when I ran the model, the model asked for a history file. I guess the model tried to merge with the history file created in the past. But this is a new run so I don't want to merge the history file.
Is there any way to override the requirement of a history file? I use COAWST version 3.5 (the latest version I guess).
Thanks for your reply.
However, after the run with nrrec=0 as you suggested, I now have a new error as follows. It appears that ROMS cannot write time variable to the history file. The reason for the error is not a valid netcdf ID. Not sure why.