Compiling ROMS

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Compiling ROMS

#1 Unread post by atul »


I downloaded ROMS via svn on my ubuntu 16.04LTS desktop and trying to compile it
I am following the instruction from ROMS Tutorial (
I am not using mpi so I commented the code regarding mpi in build.bash file

while compiling I am getting following error which is not listed in common erors in tutorial

mod_netcdf.f90:(.text+0x11a5f): undefined reference to `__netcdf_MOD_nf90_inquire_dimension'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Master/ recipe for target '/home/akumar/Projects/upwelling/oceanS' failed
make: *** [/home/akumar/Projects/upwelling/oceanS] Error 1

how I can solve this problem?

Thank you in advance

thanks in advance

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Re: Compiling ROMS

#2 Unread post by kate »

This is in the ROMS FAQ.

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