Model blow up

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Model blow up

#1 Unread post by hqz »

Deal all,
I run my model with ecmwf surface forcing(only contain sustr,svstr,shflux,swflux,swrad),tide and river,and the hmin=5m,hmax=5000m,and the initial condition come from hycom ,the boundary condition come from model blow up(fig 1) ,in the first time(dt=180s), it is a point with too large speed in ubar field,then i change the dt from 180s to 120s, and it blow up too ,and in the last record of rst file ,the zeta ,ubar,vbar, u, v, temp and salt is all nan in some region(around Korea)(fig 2 show the zeta).
Can someone give me some suggestions . Thank you very much.
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Re: Model blow up

#2 Unread post by kate »

You could try a shorter timestep yet again. If the model blows up at the same model time with that, then you know it's something else, not the timestep. Once things have gone to NaN, it's hard to know what's the cause. You could run to a step or two before the blow up and plot those fields.

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Re: Model blow up

#3 Unread post by kate »

This doesn't belong in ROMS-ice, does it? Are you running my branch with the sea-ice turned on?

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Re: Model blow up

#4 Unread post by hqz »

This doesn't belong in ROMS-ice,maybe i post my problem in wrong topic.I have try a shorter timestep(60s),the model blows up at the same model time with a large speed point in ubar field(i=314,j=183).And i find the h+zeta near this point (i=314,j=184)with value -0.1243 small than zero.I think this would be the reason lead to model blow up.And i find the zeta value(Fig1 last record from -6.2 to 4.2 m) is strange to the value of soda monthly data(-0.1296 to 1.5208 m in the average of 1999 to 2010 in my research region).Could anyone tell me what may lead to my zeta field different from SOAD value.
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Re: Model blow up

#5 Unread post by kate »

You've got tides turned on. Are there large tides in that bay? If your model tides don't match the real ones it could be the bathymetry. What is the source of your bathymetry and how good is it? You could also turn on the WET_DRY option so that the model won't let h+zeta go negative. We have resorted to modifying the bottom drag to change the tides too.

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Re: Model blow up

#6 Unread post by hqz »

I have add 10 tidal component(m2,s2,n2,k2,k1,o1,p1,q1,mm,mf come from Tpxo8)to my model,,and first i run the model with my tide forcing in 2D dimension about 200 day(test.h and,no other forcing and boundary add).The model never blow up.The bathymetry of my region come from General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans(GEBCO),i set the hmin=5 and hmax=5000,then make some smooth by rgrd_smoothgrid.m(rfac=0.35).Then i add the initial from hycom, surface forcing from ecmwf,boudary from soda2.2.4 and river,the model blow up. Maybe i should try to adjust my min depth or add WET_DRY.
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Re: Model blow up

#7 Unread post by kate »

You added a lot of things all at once. The tidal run might have had high tides in that same place and simply not blown up because there was less going on. I would try the WET_DRY.

GEBCO is a coarse and smooth bathymetry. Is there nothing better at high resolution in that area?

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Re: Model blow up

#8 Unread post by hqz »

I would try add wet_dry.The GEBOO i use is about 30 arc-second,and the other bathymetry i can get is ETOPO1 bathymery.

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Re: Model blow up

#9 Unread post by kate »

It's been a while since I looked at GEBCO. The problem with ETOPO1 is that it has inputs from satellite altimetry and it therefore has weird (unbelievable) highs and lows.

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Re: Model blow up

#10 Unread post by hqz »

I turn on the WET_DRY(dcrit=0.1),and the model blow up again in the model time 712 day with speed v field in 12 sigma layer(total 20)(fig1),Can someone give me some suggestions.Thank you very much.
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Re: Model blow up

#11 Unread post by kate »

Reduce the timestep until you get past the blowup time?

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Re: Model blow up

#12 Unread post by hqz »

Do you mean reduce dt and run from rst file?

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Re: Model blow up

#13 Unread post by kate »

Yes. Try it and see if it helps.

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