Hi, i have some problems.

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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Hi, i have some problems.

#1 Unread post by kobl1201 »


i have some problems. When i run the ROMS model, the currets flow along the boundary.

As time passed, the results varied as follows :
사본 -그림1.gif
사본 -그림1.gif (13.25 KiB) Viewed 6276 times
It seems the current can't go out the northern and eastern boundaris.

I hope that outflow is much stronger than now.

The model region is east/japan sea.

Please help me.

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Re: Hi, i have some problems.

#2 Unread post by kate »

You haven't told us anything about what boundary conditions you are using. Do they need external values? If so, where are those coming from and do they look reasonable?

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Re: Hi, i have some problems.

#3 Unread post by kobl1201 »

Sorry Kate.

I used HYCOM data for boundary condition and initial data.

The boundary condition applied every 1 day.

Usually, currents in the north region flow easternward. However, my result showed converse.

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Re: Hi, i have some problems.

#4 Unread post by kate »

What values of LBC are you using?

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Re: Hi, i have some problems.

#5 Unread post by kobl1201 »

Hi Kate

I set up the model like this.
(117.57 KiB) Downloaded 386 times
I ,also applied relaxation method and sponge layer.

However, this methods didn't slove this problems

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Re: Hi, i have some problems.

#6 Unread post by kate »

Code: Select all

   LBC(isFsur) ==   Clo     Cha     Cha     Cha \         ! free-surface
                    Nes     Nes     Nes     Nes
   LBC(isUbar) ==   Clo     Fla     Fla     Fla \        ! 2D U-momentum
                    Nes     Nes     Nes     Nes
Perhaps try again without the "! free-surface" and other such comments? These comments in continued lines can confuse ROMS.

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Re: Hi, i have some problems.

#7 Unread post by moritz.wandres »

I had a lot of boundary currents like this in the beginning which were essentially due to erroneous boundary forcing. Also I noticed you had -

M2NUDG == 0.0d0 ! days
M3NUDG == 0.0d0 ! days
Have you tried playing around with the nudging parameters?

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Re: Hi, i have some problems.

#8 Unread post by kobl1201 »

Hello ~

i removed things such as !free-surface and then modified M2NUDG == 0.0d0 ! days, M3NUDG == 0.0d0 ! days. However, the results still showed same things.

Do you have other ideas??

Please help me

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