Fortran error after succeeding roms compilation

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Fortran error after succeeding roms compilation

#1 Unread post by jihene »

Hi all,
I have recently used a new version of fortran compiler. The ROMS compilation succeed but when i run:
mpirun -np 4 ./oceanM

the following error occurs:
At line 919 of file inp_par.f90
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input
At line 919 of file inp_par.f90
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input
At line 919 of file inp_par.f90
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input
At line 919 of file inp_par.f90
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input

This line corresponds to :
READ (Vstring(is:Imul(ic)-1),*) copies
in inp_par.f90

The inp_par.F is compiled as follow :
cd Build; /usr/bin/mpif90 -c -frepack-arrays -O3 -ffast-math inp_par.f90

It seems that it can't read string character from input file!
has anyone an idea to resolve this problem?

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Re: Fortran error after succeeding roms compilation

#2 Unread post by kate »

Can you go back to an older compiler? Which compiler is it exactly? What version number?

If the compiler really is failing on good input, I would want to know which input line it is failing on and what it contains. Is this a problem only with multiple grids?

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Re: Fortran error after succeeding roms compilation

#3 Unread post by jihene »

Thanks kate for your reply!
Unfortunately I can't go back on previous version of compiler. I've changed the opensuse kerf's version (from 11.3 to 13.1)and within this change comes an upgraded version of gfortran,gcc and gcc-fortran (the oldest version of gcc, gcc-fortran and gfortran are 4.6.2 and now the newest ones are 4.8.2).
I get the same error message and in the same line in inp_par.F. Even if I use mpi or openmp , simple or multiple grid. The error message is the same and occurs always in this line of the code:

READ (Vstring(is:Imul(ic)-1),*) copies
the errot occurs in line 919
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Re: Fortran error after succeeding roms compilation

#4 Unread post by kate »

It's probably failing the first time through. Can you have it print Vstring, is, lmul and copies before that line? (I would of course run in the debugger...) Have you tried a lower level of compiler optimization?

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Re: Fortran error after succeeding roms compilation

#5 Unread post by jihene »

HEllo kate!
Thanks again for your reply. I 've just discovered that the new version of compiler recognize differently space and tab in my input file
I replaced tab by spaces and it works now!!
Thanks again for your help

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