blow up when using high frequency windstress forcing

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Posts: 7
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Location: Ocean University of China

blow up when using high frequency windstress forcing

#1 Unread post by Haiyan »

Hi everyone,
I run a case with daily wind-stress forcing for three years. It works well. But when I use the 4 times daily(every 6 hours) wind-stress forcing, it blows up after eight months.

The last step before blow-up seems normal. The wind-stress also seems normal. I don't know how to solve the problem.

Thank you very much.

Here, I attach part of the log file.

Code: Select all

 Operating system : Linux
 CPU/hardware     : x86_64
 Compiler system  : pgi
 Compiler command : /opt/bin/mpif90
 Compiler flags   :  -O3 -Mfree

 Input Script  : 

 SVN Root URL  :
 SVN Revision  : 737M

 Local Root    : /misc/1/home/hzhang/hy/projects/src
 Header Dir    : /home/hzhang/hy/projects/ecs/byecs3
 Header file   : byecs3.h
 Analytical Dir: /home/hzhang/hy/projects/ecs/byecs3

 Resolution, Grid 01: 0216x0268x020,  Parallel Nodes:  16,  Tiling: 004x004

 Physical Parameters, Grid: 01

     315350  ntimes            Number of timesteps for 3-D equations.
    300.000  dt                Timestep size (s) for 3-D equations.
         30  ndtfast           Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between
                                 each 3D timestep.
          1  ERstr             Starting ensemble/perturbation run number.
          1  ERend             Ending ensemble/perturbation run number.
          0  nrrec             Number of restart records to read from disk.
          T  LcycleRST         Switch to recycle time-records in restart file.
        288  nRST              Number of timesteps between the writing of data
                                 into restart fields.
          1  ninfo             Number of timesteps between print of information
                                 to standard output.
          T  ldefout           Switch to create a new output NetCDF file(s).
        288  nHIS              Number of timesteps between the writing fields
                                 into history file.
       4320  ndefHIS           Number of timesteps between creation of new
                                 history files.
          1  ntsAVG            Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
                                 time-averaged data.
       1440  nAVG              Number of timesteps between the writing of
                                 time-averaged data into averages file.
       4320  ndefAVG           Number of timesteps between creation of new
                                 time-averaged file.
 0.0000E+00  nl_tnu2(01)       NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
                                 (m2/s) for tracer 01: temp
 0.0000E+00  nl_tnu2(02)       NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
                                 (m2/s) for tracer 02: salt
 5.0000E+00  nl_visc2          NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
                                 (m2/s) for momentum.
          F  LuvSponge         Turning OFF sponge on horizontal momentum.
          F  LtracerSponge(01) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 01: temp
          F  LtracerSponge(02) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 02: salt
 1.0000E-06  Akt_bak(01)       Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
                                 for tracer 01: temp
 1.0000E-06  Akt_bak(02)       Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
                                 for tracer 02: salt
 1.0000E-05  Akv_bak           Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
                                 for momentum.
 5.0000E-06  Akk_bak           Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
                                 for turbulent energy.
 5.0000E-06  Akp_bak           Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
                                 for turbulent generic statistical field.
 3.0000E-04  rdrg              Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/s).
 1.5000E-03  rdrg2             Quadratic bottom drag coefficient.
 2.0000E-02  Zob               Bottom roughness (m).
          1  Vtransform        S-coordinate transformation equation.
          1  Vstretching       S-coordinate stretching function.
 5.0000E+00  theta_s           S-coordinate surface control parameter.
 4.0000E-01  theta_b           S-coordinate bottom  control parameter.
      5.000  Tcline            S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (m) used
                                 in vertical coordinate stretching.
   1025.000  rho0              Mean density (kg/m3) for Boussinesq approximation.
      0.000  dstart            Time-stamp assigned to model initialization (days).
      0.000  tide_start        Reference time origin for tidal forcing (days).
20000101.00  time_ref          Reference time for units attribute (yyyymmdd.dd)
 1.2000E+02  Tnudg(01)         Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
                                 for tracer 01: temp
 1.2000E+02  Tnudg(02)         Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
                                 for tracer 02: salt
 1.2000E+02  Znudg             Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
                                 for free-surface.
 1.2000E+02  M2nudg            Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
                                 for 2D momentum.
 1.2000E+02  M3nudg            Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
                                 for 3D momentum.
 6.0000E+01  obcfac            Factor between passive and active
                                 open boundary conditions.
          F  VolCons(1)        NLM western  edge boundary volume conservation.
          F  VolCons(2)        NLM southern edge boundary volume conservation.
          F  VolCons(3)        NLM eastern  edge boundary volume conservation.
          F  VolCons(4)        NLM northern edge boundary volume conservation.
     14.000  T0                Background potential temperature (C) constant.
     35.000  S0                Background salinity (PSU) constant.
      1.000  gamma2            Slipperiness variable: free-slip (1.0) or 
                                                      no-slip (-1.0).
          T  LuvSrc            Turning ON  momentum point Sources/Sinks.
          F  LwSrc             Turning OFF volume influx point Sources/Sinks.
          T  LtracerSrc(01)    Turning ON  point Sources/Sinks on tracer 01: temp
          T  LtracerSrc(02)    Turning ON  point Sources/Sinks on tracer 02: salt
          F  LsshCLM           Turning OFF processing of SSH climatology.
          F  Lm2CLM            Turning OFF processing of 2D momentum climatology.
          F  Lm3CLM            Turning OFF processing of 3D momentum climatology.
          F  LtracerCLM(01)    Turning OFF processing of climatology tracer 01: temp
          F  LtracerCLM(02)    Turning OFF processing of climatology tracer 02: salt
          F  LnudgeM2CLM       Turning OFF nudging of 2D momentum climatology.
          F  LnudgeM3CLM       Turning OFF nudging of 3D momentum climatology.
          F  LnudgeTCLM(01)    Turning OFF nudging of climatology tracer 01: temp
          F  LnudgeTCLM(02)    Turning OFF nudging of climatology tracer 02: salt
          T  Hout(idFsur)      Write out free-surface.
          T  Hout(idUvel)      Write out 3D U-momentum component.
          T  Hout(idVvel)      Write out 3D V-momentum component.
          T  Hout(idu3dE)      Write out 3D U-wastward  component at RHO-points.
          T  Hout(idv3dN)      Write out 3D V-northward component at RHO-points.
          T  Hout(idWvel)      Write out W-momentum component.
          T  Hout(idOvel)      Write out omega vertical velocity.
          T  Hout(idTvar)      Write out tracer 01: temp
          T  Hout(idTvar)      Write out tracer 02: salt
          T  Hout(idDano)      Write out density anomaly.
          T  Hout(idMtke)      Write out turbulent kinetic energy.

          T  Aout(idFsur)      Write out averaged free-surface.
          T  Aout(idUvel)      Write out averaged 3D U-momentum component.
          T  Aout(idVvel)      Write out averaged 3D V-momentum component.
          T  Aout(idu3dE)      Write out averaged 3D U-eastward  at RHO-points.
          T  Aout(idv3dN)      Write out averaged 3D V-northward at RHO-points.
          T  Aout(idWvel)      Write out averaged W-momentum component.
          T  Aout(idOvel)      Write out averaged omega vertical velocity.
          T  Aout(idTvar)      Write out averaged tracer 01: temp
          T  Aout(idTvar)      Write out averaged tracer 02: salt
          T  Aout(idUsms)      Write out averaged surface U-momentum stress.
          T  Aout(idVsms)      Write out averaged surface V-momentum stress.
          T  Aout(idUbms)      Write out averaged bottom U-momentum stress.
          T  Aout(idVbms)      Write out averaged bottom V-momentum stress.
          T  Aout(idDano)      Write out averaged density anomaly.

 Output/Input Files:

             Output Restart File:  /share/7/output/hzhang/byecs/byecs3/
        Prefix for History Files:  /share/7/output/hzhang/byecs/byecs3/ftr2_windstr_6hrs_2000-02_his
       Prefix for Averages Files:  /share/7/output/hzhang/byecs/byecs3/ftr2_windstr_6hrs_2000-02_avg
                 Input Grid File:  /misc/1/home/hzhang/hy/projects/ecs/forcing_bian/
    Input Nonlinear Initial File:  /misc/1/home/hzhang/hy/projects/ecs/forcing_bian/
        Input Sources/Sinks File:  /misc/1/home/hzhang/hy/projects/ecs/forcing_bian/
           Input Forcing File 01:  /misc/1/home/hzhang/hy/projects/ecs/forcing_bian/
           Input Forcing File 02:  /misc/1/home/hzhang/hy/projects/ecs/forcing/create_ncfile/
           Input Forcing File 03:  /misc/1/home/hzhang/hy/projects/ecs/forcing/create_ncfile/
             Input Boundary File:  /misc/1/home/hzhang/hy/projects/ecs/forcing_bian/

Lateral Boundary Conditions: NLM

 Variable               Grid  West Edge    South Edge   East Edge    North Edge
 ---------              ----  ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------

 zeta                     1   Chapman Imp  Chapman Imp  Chapman Imp  Chapman Imp

 ubar                     1   Flather      Flather      Flather      Flather

 vbar                     1   Flather      Flather      Flather      Flather

 u                        1   Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud

 v                        1   Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud

 temp                     1   Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud

 salt                     1   Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud    Rad + Nud

 tke                      1   Gradient     Gradient     Gradient     Gradient

 Activated C-preprocessing Options:

 BYECS3              East China Sea Test3
 ADD_FSOBC           Adding tidal elevation to processed OBC data.
 ADD_M2OBC           Adding tidal currents to processed OBC data.
 ANA_BSFLUX          Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux.
 ANA_BTFLUX          Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux.
 ASSUMED_SHAPE       Using assumed-shape arrays.
 AVERAGES            Writing out time-averaged nonlinear model fields.
 CURVGRID            Orthogonal curvilinear grid.
 DIFF_GRID           Horizontal diffusion coefficient scaled by grid size.
 DJ_GRADPS           Parabolic Splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2002).
 DOUBLE_PRECISION    Double precision arithmetic.
 MASKING             Land/Sea masking.
 MIX_S_TS            Mixing of tracers along constant S-surfaces.
 MIX_S_UV            Mixing of momentum along constant S-surfaces.
 MPI                 MPI distributed-memory configuration.
 MY25_MIXING         Mellor/Yamada Level-2.5 mixing closure.
 NONLINEAR           Nonlinear Model.
 NONLIN_EOS          Nonlinear Equation of State for seawater.
 N2S2_HORAVG         Horizontal smoothing of buoyancy and shear.
 PERFECT_RESTART     Processing perfect restart variables.
 POWER_LAW           Power-law shape time-averaging barotropic filter.
 PROFILE             Time profiling activated .
 QCORRECTION         Surface net heat flux correction.
 K_GSCHEME           Third-order upstream advection of TKE fields.
 RADIATION_2D        Use tangential phase speed in radiation conditions.
 !RST_SINGLE         Double precision fields in restart NetCDF file.
 SALINITY            Using salinity.
 SOLVE3D             Solving 3D Primitive Equations.
 SPLINES             Conservative parabolic spline reconstruction.
 SSH_TIDES           Add tidal elevation to SSH climatology.
 TS_MPDATA           Recursive flux corrected MPDATA 3D advection of tracers.
 TS_DIF2             Harmonic mixing of tracers.
 UV_ADV              Advection of momentum.
 UV_COR              Coriolis term.
 UV_U3HADVECTION     Third-order upstream horizontal advection of 3D momentum.
 UV_C4VADVECTION     Fourth-order centered vertical advection of momentum.
 UV_QDRAG            Quadratic bottom stress.
 UV_TIDES            Add tidal currents to 2D momentum climatologies.
 UV_VIS2             Harmonic mixing of momentum.
 VAR_RHO_2D          Variable density barotropic mode.
 VISC_GRID           Horizontal viscosity coefficient scaled by grid size.

          C => (i,j,k)       Cu            Cv            Cw         Max Speed  
  73872   256 12:00:00  2.534706E-02  2.187673E+04  2.187675E+04  5.892513E+15
          (114,236,20)  3.192479E-02  0.000000E+00  1.044731E+00  3.690878E+00
    GET_2DFLD   - surface u-momentum stress,                 t =   256 18:00:00
                   (Rec=0001028, Index=2, File:
                   (Tmin=          0.0000 Tmax=        730.7500)
                   (Min = -7.97995782E-04 Max =  6.44778186E-04)
    GET_2DFLD   - surface v-momentum stress,                 t =   256 18:00:00
                   (Rec=0001028, Index=2, File:
                   (Tmin=          0.0000 Tmax=        730.7500)
                   (Min = -8.45462350E-04 Max =  2.64212453E-03)
  73873   256 12:05:00  2.535522E-02  2.187662E+04  2.187665E+04  5.892523E+15
          (113,236,20)  6.746709E-02  2.300265E-02  9.416203E-01  3.704947E+00
  73874   256 12:10:00  2.536316E-02  2.187651E+04  2.187653E+04  5.892532E+15
          (113,236,20)  6.589083E-02  2.138735E-02  9.630750E-01  3.718053E+00
  73934   256 17:10:00  2.563330E-02  2.187228E+04  2.187230E+04  5.891570E+15
          (128,208,20)  3.358293E-02  8.963908E-03  1.198219E+00  3.199494E+00
  73935   256 17:15:00  2.563197E-02  2.187233E+04  2.187235E+04  5.891559E+15
          (128,208,20)  3.681279E-02  1.056109E-02  1.300558E+00  3.179011E+00
  73936   256 17:20:00  2.562969E-02  2.187239E+04  2.187241E+04  5.891550E+15
          (128,208,20)  3.896353E-02  1.201968E-02  1.355664E+00  3.158381E+00
  73937   256 17:25:00  2.556128E-02  2.187245E+04  2.187247E+04  5.891541E+15
          (060,126,20)  1.761811E+01  2.120417E-02  2.040239E+00  6.645248E+02

 Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into  RESTART file

      WRT_RST   - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,2) into time record = 0000003
 Node   #  5 CPU:   72914.203
 Node   # 11 CPU:   72917.203
 Node   # 12 CPU:   72917.203
 Node   #  1 CPU:   72917.203
 Node   #  7 CPU:   72917.201
 Node   #  9 CPU:   72914.204
 Node   # 15 CPU:   72917.204
 Node   #  2 CPU:   72917.203
 Node   # 10 CPU:   72914.204
 Node   #  3 CPU:   72917.202
 Node   #  8 CPU:   72917.203

 Elapsed CPU time (seconds):

 Node   #  0 CPU:   72917.203
 Node   #  4 CPU:   72917.202
 Node   #  6 CPU:   72914.203
 Node   # 13 CPU:   72914.204
 Node   # 14 CPU:   72914.204

 ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01:
             number of time records written in HISTORY file = 00000001
             number of time records written in RESTART file = 00000257
             number of time records written in AVERAGE file = 00000003

 Analytical header files used:


 ROMS/TOMS: DONE... Saturday - January 10, 2015 -  8:38:32 AM

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Re: blow up when using high frequency windstress forcing

#2 Unread post by kate »

This is in the FAQ. It looks like it happened at the surface for you. With your N=20, do you have enough vertical resolution to resolve the surface boundary layer? Did it happen in deep water or near the coast? Can you restart with a shorter timestep and get through this?

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Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:29 pm
Location: Ocean University of China

Re: blow up when using high frequency windstress forcing

#3 Unread post by Haiyan »

Thank you kate.
The blowing-up point is at the river estuary and is just next to the land points.
Vertical resolution is [-1 -0.95 -0.9 -0.85 -0.8 -0.75 -0.7 -0.65 -0.6 -0.55 -0.5 -0.45 -0.4 -0.35 -0.3 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0].

The critical depth of the model is 5m. The depth(h) of the blowing-up point is 5m. I find the actual depth(h+zeta) of this point is less than zero, before it blows up. Maybe this is the problem. So, I need to cut down the wind-stress or adjust the bathymetry?

Also, I try to restart it with the restart file, it blows up too.

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Re: blow up when using high frequency windstress forcing

#4 Unread post by kate »

The vertical resolution question applies to very deep water where the physical level depths can be large, in particular the surface dz can be larger than the Ekman depth. You are having the opposite problem here though. Yes, if h+zeta goes negative, things can be unstable. I see you have a tides file - is it reasonable for the tides (or storm surge) to be that big there? If so, you can either make your minimum depth deeper or you can try the WET_DRY option.

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