albedo, cool skin ...

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albedo, cool skin ...

#1 Unread post by pooran »

I am trying to use bulk_flux. My question is about ALBEDO and COOL_SKIN options.
1-please tell me that Since there is not ice cover in my domain, ALBEDO should not be defined?
2-what about COOl_SKIN and CLOUDS? When we should define them? Sorry but base on description in cppdefs.h i cant understand what they do exactly.
3-is not SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY option necessary when surface relative humidity (percentage) has been applied as a force file?
thanks for your time

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Re: albedo, cool skin ...

#2 Unread post by kate »

1. ALBEDO can be defined if you don't have ice. It does an albedo correction to the incoming shortwave radiation. What incoming shortwave are you using and does it account for the surface albedo? If you don't have ice, you can apply the albedo correction to all your incoming shortwave outside of ROMS.
2. CLOUDS are required for the default ALBEDO implementation.
3. If your humidity is relative, then you don't want SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY.

If your code has all these, you must be using my code or COAWST.

I don't know about COOL_SKIN, sorry.

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Re: albedo, cool skin ...

#3 Unread post by pooran »

many thanks for your nice reply
1- i am using net solar radiation from ECMWF_Interim database. I don't know if they applied the albedo correction to all incoming shortwave or not. Do you know about it? Do you mean that if they applied albedo correction, then we don't require AlBEDO option?
CLOUDS are required for the default ALBEDO implementation.
Even if total cloud cover applied as a force file :?:
I mean: If ALBEDO be defined and total cloud cover applied as a force file, then it needs CLOUDS again or not?

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Re: albedo, cool skin ...

#4 Unread post by kate »

1. I have never used the ECMWF products and I do not know if they do an albedo correction. If they do, then you don't need to.

2. The ALBEDO code says that the ocean's surface albedo depends on cloudiness. I assume that this is because the sunlight is more diffuse if there are clouds. Sure, the incoming shortwave can also depend on cloudiness, but that is a separate issue.

ETA: The CICE model accepts four different incoming shortwave components, splitting it into visible and near-infrared, also spectral and diffuse. Each one has different behaviors in sea ice.

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