what are key mechanisms to get good vertical profiles?

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what are key mechanisms to get good vertical profiles?

#1 Unread post by nageswararao »

Dear all,
I am implementing ROMS-2.2 for indian ocean region. I am using IBM 4 processor machine. Horizontal resolution of my domain is 1/4 with 32 vertical levels . First I am forcing my domain with climatology. Till now I had forced for 5years. I am getting vertical profiles of temperature wrong. I am not getting thermocline properly. First, I thought that it is due to the conversion of coordinates. Later I came to know that problem is with my model set up only. I want just to know where are the main keys or options for underwater dynamics that determine the temperature proflies in ROMS. How can I tune my model to get good vertical profiles? Please do reply.

Thanks in advance.

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#2 Unread post by kate »

How are they wrong? Do they start wrong or do they drift into some bad state after a few years? Is the vertical mixing not mixing correctly? What vertical mixing are you using? What forcing are you using? Where are you getting your initial and boundary conditions from? What questions are you trying to answer, anyway?


#3 Unread post by nageswararao »

I am getting vertical profiles bad . It means I am not getting any thermocline. At surface the temperature is going in the vicinity of 30C,at 500m depth temperature is something about 20C every where but bottom temperature is going to some -2C to 4C. I am using LMD_MIXING scheme. I had forced the model with climatology using ROMS_TOOLS. I got the initial conditions from ROMS_TOOLS by running get_clim.m. I got boundry file also from the same ROMS_TOOLS only. I used the cdl file in boundary directory and converted into nc file. Mine aim is to simulate first climatological variables in Indian ocean region using ROMS. I hope I answered all questions.
Can u say what happened to my model?
Thanks in advance.

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