problem on netcdf4-python

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problem on netcdf4-python

#1 Unread post by wzf1984 »

I have problems on netcdf4-python. When I test, there are errors:

root@ubuntu:/opt/netCDF4-1.0.4/test# python
ERROR: runTest (tst_dap.DapTestCase)
testing access of data over http using opendap
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/netCDF4-1.0.4/test/", line 22, in runTest
file = netCDF4.Dataset(URL)
File "netCDF4.pyx", line 1386, in netCDF4.Dataset.__init__ (netCDF4.c:19148)
RuntimeError: NetCDF: Unknown file format

Ran 47 tests in 11.291s

FAILED (errors=1)

netcdf4-python version: 1.0.4
HDF5 lib version: 1.8.11
netcdf lib version: 4.3.0

I would appreciate your help !

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Re: problem on netcdf4-python

#2 Unread post by kate »

OpenDAP is a way to share files over the network. When you compile the NetCDF library, you have the option of building for OpenDAP - or not. It seems that you did not. If you don't plan on using OpenDAP, I wouldn't worry about this.

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