Possible problem of clamped condition for Vbar

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Possible problem of clamped condition for Vbar

#1 Unread post by hbzong »

I'm running a case with ROMS(svn 666). At beginning, I used Flather boundary conditions for both Ubar and Vbar. The model worked. Then I changed the both boundary conditions to Clamped. The model crashed.
And I found that the model could run if set Clamped condition for Ubar and Flather boundary for Vbar. So I thought that there might be some problem of clamped condition for Vbar. I checked the 'v2dbc_im.F' and didn't find anything.

The error message is shown below(with USE_DEBUG was turned on)
forrtl: error (65): floating invalid
Image PC Routine Line Source
oceanG 0000000000A025C7 nf_fread3d_mod_mp 205 nf_fread3d.f90
oceanG 00000000009B062E get_2dfld_ 184 get_2dfld.f90
oceanG 0000000000837D52 get_idata_ 128 get_idata.f90
oceanG 00000000004E412F initial_ 232 initial.f90
oceanG 000000000040401E ocean_control_mod 110 ocean_control.f90
oceanG 00000000004039AF MAIN__ 73 master.f90
oceanG 00000000004038FC Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00000038E4C1D994 Unknown Unknown Unknown
oceanG 0000000000403809 Unknown Unknown Unknown

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Re: Possible problem of clamped condition for Vbar

#2 Unread post by kate »

It is failing while reading a netcdf file. You can look at line 128 of your get_idata.f90 file to see which field is being read. Perhaps there's something wrong with your inputs?

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Re: Possible problem of clamped condition for Vbar

#3 Unread post by hbzong »

Thanks, Kate.

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