missing idTclm(iNO3_)?

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missing idTclm(iNO3_)?

#1 Unread post by often »

According to https://www.myroms.org/projects/src/ticket/569, ROMS should be able to 'operate on the nutrient climatology and not on the higher trophic level model constituents'. I try that with bio_fennel model by nudging NO3, but failed at get_3dfld:

Code: Select all

      DO i=1,NT(ng)
        IF (LtracerCLM(i,ng)) THEN
          CALL get_3dfld (ng, iNLM, idTclm(i), CLM(ng)%ncid,            &
     &                    1, CLM(ng), update(1),                        &
     &                    LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj, 1, N(ng), 2, 1,           &
     &                    GRID(ng) % rmask,                             &
     &                    CLIMA(ng) % tclmG(:,:,:,:,ic))
          IF (exit_flag.ne.NoError) RETURN
        END IF
      END DO
when ifield=idTclm(3)=0;
It seems idTclm(3) is not initialized and something like idTclm(iNO3_) should be add to varinfo.dat and fennel_var.h.

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Re: missing idTclm(iNO3_)?

#2 Unread post by tony1230 »

hi often

I am doing some work by using bio_fennel submodel. You can sent me email via shouweiwei@sina.com or leave yours for me.




Re: missing idTclm(iNO3_)?

#3 Unread post by often »

hi Shou

mine is 273287634@qq.com


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Re: missing idTclm(iNO3_)?

#4 Unread post by arango »

Yes, good catch. My intention was to set all tracer climatology metadata internally in mod_ncparam.F but I forgot :oops: . Thank you for reporting this problem. Please update, check following trac :arrow: ticket

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