Search found 19 matches

by edith
Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:18 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: river flowing to NW direction
Replies: 2
Views: 2152

Re: river flowing to NW direction

thank you for the reply. i will try that.
by edith
Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:56 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: river flowing to NW direction
Replies: 2
Views: 2152

river flowing to NW direction

Hi, I am having problems with setting analytical point source. Do i understand it correctly that to set a direction of the inflow water i have to set Dsrc (0 toward east and 1 toward north. or when 0.5 then it would give NE wind?) and Qbar (when positive then along u or v direction and negative to -...
by edith
Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:41 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: salinity "overshoots"
Replies: 2
Views: 2165

Re: salinity "overshoots"

Hi Austin, Thank you for the reply. I made that mistake too at the beginning but i already figured out my self before and now i have under mask h = 2m that is my hmin. Did you use any other way to smooth topography? i modified ana_psource.h to have right locations for i and j. also moved it around t...
by edith
Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:11 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: salinity "overshoots"
Replies: 2
Views: 2165

salinity "overshoots"

Hi, I am trying to run simulation with rivers for Gulf of Riga using realistic topography. When i add ana_psource i get several problems that i do not seam to be able to figure out: 1) salinity values get unrealistically big (initial salinity 5psu and input 0psu, i get salt values 30psu and up withi...
by edith
Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:22 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: analytical tides
Replies: 2
Views: 1995

Re: analytical tides

thank you for the reply.
looks like that specific error was caused by the attempt to add tides only from one boundary (or over complicating with attempt to modify ana_m2obc.h file, got working and good result with using only zeta on all open boundaries at the end of ana_fsobc.h file).
by edith
Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:19 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: analytical tides
Replies: 2
Views: 1995

analytical tides

Hi, I try to add tides from open boundaries for analytical idealized domain river inflow case. #define EAST_FSCHAPMAN #define EAST_M2FLATHER #define EAST_M3RADIATION #define EAST_TRADIATION #define ANA_FSOBC #define ANA_M2OBC I changed ana_fsobc.h and ana_m2obc.h files and directed in wiki for fjord...
by edith
Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:56 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: vertical layers, problem with mpi run
Replies: 6
Views: 3917

Re: vertical layers, problem with mpi run

error is on the first step of model run. debud dont help, thats how i got seg error, parallel error was even more useless :). i think it is most likely to be memory problem cos same run that runs on 8clusters refuses to run on any less number of clusters so i suppose there is nothing much i can do a...
by edith
Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:22 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: vertical layers, problem with mpi run
Replies: 6
Views: 3917

Re: vertical layers, problem with mpi run

if it is problem in parallel i cant imagine what kind of problem. as i said exactly same run with 20layers works fine on parallel.
by edith
Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:23 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: vertical layers, problem with mpi run
Replies: 6
Views: 3917

Re: vertical layers, problem with mpi run

thank you for the reply. i have been trying to figure out if it is memory issue. my domain size is not too big 128x256x30 and to run on 8 cluster. how much memory should one have to perform such a run? i set as many of parameters in ulimit as high as i can. is there anything else i should be able to...
by edith
Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:31 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: vertical layers, problem with mpi run
Replies: 6
Views: 3917

vertical layers, problem with mpi run

i am having a trouble with idealized analytical case that i try to run. domain is rectangular basin, depth changing from 5-15m to offshore direction and fresh water inflow from point source in one location. when i try to add vertical (to use 30 layers.. worked nicely with 20layers both on parallel a...
by edith
Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:39 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: ubar in river inflow
Replies: 0
Views: 1371

ubar in river inflow

Hi, i am having problem with running riverplume2 test case. i get negative ubar values inside the river part i.e. water is flowing back to the direction of point source couple of steps away (zeta and vbar changes dont even seam to be big enough for it). i use five point wide inflow, open boundary co...
by edith
Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:11 pm
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: ROMS compiling error, netcdf
Replies: 2
Views: 3482

ROMS compiling error, netcdf

hi, I hope that somebody might be able to help me with my problem. i am using ROMS (agrif version) and i try to compile my files. I use linux and g95. it keeps giving me error that looks like it cant find netcdf library or something. i have set path for libnetcdf.a and files in jobcomp fi...
by edith
Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:22 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: initial package
Replies: 1
Views: 2038

initial package

I am trying to compile initial package in fortran but then I get strange thing. Error occurs in def_out.F: In field def_out.F:167 lsdim=Vname(6,idVbar) Error: Can’t convert character to integer(4) and indeed Vname(*,*) is defined as character and lsdim is defined as integer. I don’t understand what ...
by edith
Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:14 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: changing from old roms to new roms
Replies: 11
Views: 14649

So there is two different versions of roms? I kind of understood that one had developed out from other? But all questions and everything in forum seams to be about roms-2.2 and i can find hardly any info about roms_agrif version besides? i do have matlab scripts just that roms-2.2 do not seams to co...
by edith
Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:20 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: changing from old roms to new roms
Replies: 11
Views: 14649

How i know what should be in my ocean_*.nc files? This packages seams to provide single field netcdf files. How do i know what exactly must be in them? And do they have to be already interpolated to the grid or can roms do it?
by edith
Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:42 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: changing from old roms to new roms
Replies: 11
Views: 14649

How do you get from your data files (usually ascii format?) netcdf files?
as much as i can understand from this program i need to provide some netcdf files in file.

there are no f771 files in my computer not .exe or any other :(
by edith
Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:30 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: changing from old roms to new roms
Replies: 11
Views: 14649

changing from old roms to new roms

Hi, I am trying to switch from an old version of ROMS (with “preprocessing tools” and “Run” and so on) to the new ROMS 2.2. that have a totally new structure and I am having some difficulties with that. My main problem is that I don’t understand what is replacing preprocessing part. How I am suppose...
by edith
Fri Jan 05, 2007 1:28 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: using forcing package
Replies: 2
Views: 3316

using forcing package

hi, i have problem when i try to use forcing package to making NetCDF file for windspeed and momentum stress (i.e with forcing fields with vector data, other forcing fields with scalar data work). error is: DEF_VAR - unable to define variable: Uwind in NetCDF file: Invalide dimension id...
by edith
Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:23 am
Forum: ROMS Documentation
Topic: ROMS Documentation
Replies: 4
Views: 10698

Re: ROMS Documentation

have you found this page? i was tring to locate that wiki stuff too but havent found it so if anybody could add here link it would be realy helpful