Search found 52 matches

by FengZhou
Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:08 pm
Forum: ROMS Sediment
Topic: Cannot introduce river sediment in ROMS (svn 713)
Replies: 3
Views: 6964

Re: Cannot introduce river sediment in ROMS (svn 713)

Hi, John,

Thank you very much! You are right. The river sediment concentration is one order lower than the local value caused by erosion and resuspension, that is why it cannot be seen.


by FengZhou
Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:30 pm
Forum: ROMS Sediment
Topic: Sediment model
Replies: 2
Views: 6588

Re: Sediment model

I have the same issue when I would like to add river_mud_01 to the model. I saw the river_temp and river_salt working well but not the sediment.

By the way, which version of ROMS are you using? I didnot find the cpp option River_sediment. I am using ROMS 3.7.


by FengZhou
Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:19 pm
Forum: ROMS Sediment
Topic: Sediment from river!
Replies: 19
Views: 33004

Re: Sediment from river!

Hi, have you solved the problem? Feng Would like to add suspended sediment from a river analytically using ana_psource.h. Have specified CSED value in input file and attempted to add ised value in ana_psource but neither appear to be introducing sediment. Salinity and temperature appear to be enteri...
by FengZhou
Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:11 pm
Forum: ROMS Sediment
Topic: Cannot introduce river sediment in ROMS (svn 713)
Replies: 3
Views: 6964

Cannot introduce river sediment in ROMS (svn 713)

Hi, ROMS users, Has anyone succeeded in introduce the river sediments into the model? The effects of rivers' temperature and salinity can be seen clearly in my model but not the sediment. I intended to add a mud to the present circulation model, which has already included the Yangtze River successfu...
by FengZhou
Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:16 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Model cannot find riverine nutrients like NO3
Replies: 3
Views: 3551

Re: Model cannot find riverine nutrients like NO3

The problem is solved. My biological module (CoSiNE) contains some old cpp definition 'TS_PSOURCE' in ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/bio_UMAINE13_var.h . The 'TS_PSOURCE' has been removed by the new version of ROMS. So when I try to couple that CoSiNE and the recent ROMS, the model can not find the point so...
by FengZhou
Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:39 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Model cannot find riverine nutrients like NO3
Replies: 3
Views: 3551

Re: Model cannot find riverine nutrients like NO3

In other words, I am wondering if I need to prepare river nutrients in a file other than the file in which river transport/temp/salinity are included? If so, what's the file name? should I put it in or in something like (designated by BPARNAM)?

Thanks in advance!
by FengZhou
Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:20 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Model cannot find riverine nutrients like NO3
Replies: 3
Views: 3551

Model cannot find riverine nutrients like NO3

Hi, all, I am running a coupled model (ROMS svn 713 + CoSiNE), which behaves well when no riverine nutrients put in. The model have completed successfully after being spinned up for two years. And now I would like to add river nutrients like nitrate, silicate and phosphate etc, since they are so muc...
by FengZhou
Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:30 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Confused results when using 'AVERAGE_DETIDE'
Replies: 1
Views: 2022

Re: Confused results when using 'AVERAGE_DETIDE'

When I simulated 5 tidal components with constant temperature and salinity and no winds, the model didn't yields the correct residual flows even after 1 years running. my configuration in this case is:
NAVG == 12960
NDEFAVG == 155520

NTIMES == 777600
DT == 200.0d0
by FengZhou
Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:16 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Confused results when using 'AVERAGE_DETIDE'
Replies: 1
Views: 2022

Confused results when using 'AVERAGE_DETIDE'

Hi,all, My ROMS is v3.4, ticket 512, with only one tidal component-M2. These days, I want to obtain the tidal residual currents in my region, so I have tried the following method as supposed as before in the forum. (1) the simple method of time average by: set DT == 216.0104d0 NAVG == 2070 NDEFAVG =...
by FengZhou
Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:59 am
Forum: ROMS Discussion
Topic: SET_NGFLD - current model time exceeds ending value for var
Replies: 5
Views: 3526

Re: SET_NGFLD - current model time exceeds ending value for var


Can you tell me how to fix this problem? what do you mean by "difference of the offsets of River.time between ROMS and Matlab Codes."

Thank you very much!
by FengZhou
Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:30 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: MPI process terminated unexpectedly
Replies: 7
Views: 9069

Re: MPI process terminated unexpectedly

Hi,Rob, Thank you for proposing a solution! I didn't use mpi1.2, but mpi1.1 + pgi compiler. My job file are: #PBS -N nwpo #PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=4 #PBS -l walltime=500:00:00 #PBS -j oe #PBS -q general #define variables NSLOTS=`cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} | wc -l` echo "This jobs is "$PBS_JOBID@$PBS_Q...
by FengZhou
Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:09 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: MPI process terminated unexpectedly
Replies: 7
Views: 9069

Re: MPI process terminated unexpectedly

gcreager wrote:This actually looks like a node crashed on you (node34). I see you're using Torque (pbs). Is there a stderr file that shows any more information?

Yes I use PBS. There is no other further information.
by FengZhou
Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:08 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: MPI process terminated unexpectedly
Replies: 7
Views: 9069

Re: MPI process terminated unexpectedly

Ok, I failed to fix the problem completely. Some of problems come from the insufficent time for the model to finish the specified running. However, others didn't. I have the trouble again like this: WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000005 169779 406 18:17:33 1.471362E-0...
by FengZhou
Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:02 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: how to add a passive tracer?
Replies: 7
Views: 6943

how to add a passive tracer?

Hi, all, Recently, I want to add a passive tracer like dye together with the river discharge into the ROMS model.I would like to input the initial concentration of the tracer via the initial netcdf file. Then what I should do is: (1) define T_PASSIVE in the cpp file? (2) modify the initial file to a...
by FengZhou
Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:54 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: MPI process terminated unexpectedly
Replies: 7
Views: 9069

Re: MPI process terminated unexpectedly

My experience is : this message is caused by the limitation of the running time, so please modify the job script to increase running time at this line:

#PBS -l walltime=600:00:00

please try it.

by FengZhou
Wed May 20, 2009 12:48 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: start time for river is greater than current model time??
Replies: 8
Views: 5254

Re: start time for river is greater than current model time??

Thank you, Kate!

The problem is solved.

But its weird for ROMS to read in River Id from river forcing file, and then to compare with 'smday' ( start modeling day), it should have compared with 'river_time', am I right?

btw, cycle_length is completely useless for river file.

by FengZhou
Tue May 19, 2009 1:08 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: start time for river is greater than current model time??
Replies: 8
Views: 5254

start time for river is greater than current model time??

Hi, all when I upgrade to ROMS3.2, I met trouble in preparing the river forcing file. The error message is : GET_CYCLE - starting time for variable: river is greater than current model time. TMIN = 1.0000 TDAYS = 0.0000 The start time in file is 0, and river_time in is...
by FengZhou
Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:11 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: probably a small bug for public variable : exit_flag
Replies: 1
Views: 2457

probably a small bug for public variable : exit_flag

Hi, all I have compiled the code just upgrade to v298 (ROMS3.2), it is ok for default UPWELLING case. But it meet problem when I turned to my own case. The message is : ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean Build/mod_netcdf.f90 cd Build; /opt/mpi/mvapich/1.1/gcc.pgf90/bin/mpif90 -c -O3 -tp k8-64 -Mfree mod_netcdf.f90 ...
by FengZhou
Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:19 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: MPI process terminated unexpectedly
Replies: 7
Views: 9069

MPI process terminated unexpectedly

Hi, all I got into a new trouble after upgraded to ROMS3.1. The model will quit after several months(some cases longer than 1 year) without blow up messages. I have compared the results that ROMS3.1 behaves better at open boundaries than ROMS3.0, which yield beautiful patterns in the whole domain. B...
by FengZhou
Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:56 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: meet trouble with GLS_MIXING
Replies: 5
Views: 5139

Re: meet trouble with GLS_MIXING

ggerbi wrote:I found the same thing as jacopo. Reducing the time step made it run fine.
Have you tested it with all three stability functions (Kantha-Clayson, Canuto A and Canuto B?)
As you said, Canuto A works.

Thank you!
by FengZhou
Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:46 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: meet trouble with GLS_MIXING
Replies: 5
Views: 5139

Re: meet trouble with GLS_MIXING

Hi, John,

I don't know MPI well, so I just check others.

I don't think there are changes between these two versions by comparing Build/gls_corstep.f90.

by FengZhou
Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:59 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: meet trouble with GLS_MIXING
Replies: 5
Views: 5139

meet trouble with GLS_MIXING

Hi, ROMSers, Normally I used k-e (or k-omega) as my default GLS_MIXING scheme while applied ROMS(3.0) to the Bohai Sea (a small north part of the East China Sea). It performs better than others like k-kl, gen, and KPP. So I did the same choice while applied the model(3.1) to the whole East China Sea...
by FengZhou
Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:45 am
Forum: ROMS Usage
Topic: how to radiate and damping out waves ?
Replies: 16
Views: 15471

Re: how to radiate and damping out waves ?

1. surface relaxation for resetting surface salt and heat fluxes Options 1 and 3 above get the nudging data from a user analytical formulation in ana_tclima.h or from the 3D climatology file CLMNAME set in Hi, John, I feel that the SRELAXATION restores the modeled SSS to the SSS in forcing...
by FengZhou
Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:26 am
Forum: ROMS Ecosystem
Topic: Initialization for Fasham and EcoSim BioToys applications
Replies: 15
Views: 20307

Re: Initialization for Fasham and EcoSim BioToys applications

Hi, bronwyn, I have just tested the EcoSim case, but met trouble whiling running 1 step. The messages are: STEP time[DAYS] KINETIC_ENRG POTEN_ENRG TOTAL_ENRG NET_VOLUME trd 0 0.00000 0.000000E+00 1.034867E+03 1.034867E+03 2.764606E+11 0 DEF_HIS - creating history file: WRT_HIS - error w...
by FengZhou
Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:28 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: salinity goes negative and large in a river plume testing
Replies: 3
Views: 3563

Hi, Amanda,

The bathymetry is steep only at other grids far away from the estuary. While the large salinity value occrus only at the inlet of river, especially on lower levels. The top 5-10 layers sound not weird.
by FengZhou
Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:39 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: salinity goes negative and large in a river plume testing
Replies: 3
Views: 3563

I have just tried the TS_MPDATA option. There are no negative values even in July after 7 month simulation. However I have checked the bottom salinity that the largest salinity exceeds 70 psu . It occurs in both cases : 1st case : The frseh water is only specified on the top 15 layers, almost linear...
by FengZhou
Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:33 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: salinity goes negative and large in a river plume testing
Replies: 3
Views: 3563

salinity goes negative and large in a river plume testing

Dear all, I am running a coarse realistic case (18km*18km) including a large fresh water inflow (annual mean is about 30000 m^3/s, largest is close to 50000m^3/s in normal years). In this case, I focus on the river plume and its interaction with ambient water. Before, a general simulation has been f...
by FengZhou
Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:35 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: array scalars%sc_w is out of range?
Replies: 8
Views: 5192

Hi, all,

problem is probably fixed. I forgot to define the nudging block for the realistic case. Its running just by undefining the nudging items. Now I am tracking on...

Thank you all.
by FengZhou
Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:52 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: array scalars%sc_w is out of range?
Replies: 8
Views: 5192

which version of pgi are you using? my pgi is 7.0.3. other information: Model Input Parameters: ROMS/TOMS version 3.0 Wednesday - January 30, 2008 - 3:19:38 PM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bohai-YellowSea-EastChinaSea, 1/12 degree Operating system : ...
by FengZhou
Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:19 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: array scalars%sc_w is out of range?
Replies: 8
Views: 5192

Yes, I use PGI compiler.
by FengZhou
Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:52 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: array scalars%sc_w is out of range?
Replies: 8
Views: 5192

hi,Kate, Thanks for your reply. My grid dimension is as following( need only to input into External/byesea.h in Roms3 ?): Lm == 167 ! Number of I-direction INTERIOR RHO-points Mm == 243 ! Number of J-direction INTERIOR RHO-points N == 30 ! Number of vertical levels while in ROMS2, they were written ...
by FengZhou
Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:48 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: array scalars%sc_w is out of range?
Replies: 8
Views: 5192

array scalars%sc_w is out of range?

Hi, all, I just tried ROMS3 and compiled the codes successfully with Upwelling case and a realistic case. But there is an error during executing the latter. The message is : 0: Subscript out of range for array scalars%sc_w (set_scoord.f90: 49) subscript=0, lower bound=0, upper bound=-1, dimension=1 ...
by FengZhou
Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:10 am
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: Is the "svnversion" necessary for compiling the RO
Replies: 4
Views: 4347

Yes, I use a window 'svnversion' to down the codes and then transfer to the Linux workstation. I use pgf90 compiler with the default case 'UPWELLING'. After I applied the command 'dos2unix', there are still some error messages: $ make : No such file or directory makefile:231: INCLUDING FILE Compiler...
by FengZhou
Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:24 am
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: Is the "svnversion" necessary for compiling the RO
Replies: 4
Views: 4347

Is the "svnversion" necessary for compiling the RO

Hi, all I use ROMS2.2 for some time. It workes well. But now v3.0 is recommended. I have trouble in compiling the ROMS3.0. The system said: [zhoufeng@oceanfe Ocean]$ make : No such file or directory makefile:231: INCLUDING FILE Compilers/ WHICH CONTAINS APPLICATION-DEPENDENT MAKE DEFIN...
by FengZhou
Tue Sep 18, 2007 1:21 am
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: svnversion of "make"
Replies: 6
Views: 8389

Hi, I have the same issue too. I've just ask our administrator to install make3.81 version. After 'make', it gives as follows : [zhoufeng@oceanfe Ocean]$ make : No such file or directory makefile:230: INCLUDING FILE Compilers/ WHICH CONTAINS APPLICATION-DEPENDENT MAKE DEFINITIONS make...
by FengZhou
Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:17 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: How to increase ROMS parallel efficiency
Replies: 5
Views: 5104

About the interconnect, due to the mismatch between mpi-1.2.7 and Myrinet 2000, I have to use a low level 1000m bps hub.
by FengZhou
Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:42 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: How to increase ROMS parallel efficiency
Replies: 5
Views: 5104

Hi, Jamie, My configuration: CPU/hardware: Dell PowerEdge 1850, Xeon 3.2G / 2G DDR / SCSI Compiler location : pgi location /opt/pgi/linux86/7.0-3/; mpi location ~/mpi-1.2.7pgi/ Operating system : Linux CPU/hardware : i686 Compiler system : mpif90 Compiler command : mpif90 Compiler flags : -r8 -i4 -K...
by FengZhou
Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:56 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: ROMS2.3 background running problem under PGI + MPI
Replies: 4
Views: 4687

Hi, Jamie, Thank you!
A simple shell script works!

Hi, Weifeng,
Thank you for the suggestions. I will bother you if necessary:)
Do I know you? I have a friend has the close name with you from Zhejiang University. He is in U.S.A now:)
by FengZhou
Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:08 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: How to increase ROMS parallel efficiency
Replies: 5
Views: 5104

How to increase ROMS parallel efficiency

Hi, everyone. Has anyone compared the ROMS efficency of CPU usage under serial mode and parallel mode ? I got ridiculous results. In serial mode, the cpu efficiency is close to 99%, comparing to the 33% cpu used under parallel mode. And parallel takes longer time than serial mode. All the setups of ...
by FengZhou
Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:44 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: ROMS2.3 background running problem under PGI + MPI
Replies: 4
Views: 4687

ROMS2.3 background running problem under PGI + MPI

Hi, Can everyone tell me how to run roms2.3 backgroundly under PGI+MPI environments? With serial mode, it can be done as: ./oceanS <External> logbohai_200709.out & While in parallel mode, it have been compiled to get the executable file oceanM with MPIf90 using PGF90 compiler. And submitted as: ...
by FengZhou
Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:37 am
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: pgf90-Error-Switch -u expects an argument
Replies: 5
Views: 4743

Thanks, problem fixed.

cancel -Vaxlib.
by FengZhou
Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:47 am
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: pgf90-Error-Switch -u expects an argument
Replies: 5
Views: 4743

yes, I modified the Compiler/, and got in new trouble: mpif90 -c -fastsse -Mipa=fast -tp p6 -Vaxlib master.o ocean_control.o -o oceanM libNLM.a libUTIL.a libMODS.a -L./netcdf_ifc -lnetcdf pgf90-Fatal-Could not find alternate compiler: /opt/pgi/linux86/axlib/bin/pgf90 make: *** [oceanM...
by FengZhou
Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:29 am
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: pgf90-Error-Switch -u expects an argument
Replies: 5
Views: 4743

Hi, Scott, I have met similar problems like you, mpif90 -c -g -check bounds mod_kinds.f90 pgf90-Error-Unknown switch: -check make: *** [mod_kinds.o] Error 1 rm mod_kinds.f90 Would you please tell which file shall I modify? I can't find the parameters you said above. Thanks in advance! zhou Thanks, I...
by FengZhou
Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:42 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: 2D momentum boundary conditions missing in running log
Replies: 3
Views: 3583

Thanks, Kate!

you are right. The EAST_M2RADIATION is missing in check_defs.F.
by FengZhou
Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:24 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: 2D momentum boundary conditions missing in running log
Replies: 3
Views: 3583

2D momentum boundary conditions missing in running log


Could anyone tell me why 2d momentum boundary conditions donot work. I do define :


in cppdefs.h, but they don't show up in running log file. While if I defined EAST_M2GRADIENT, it shows up its working.

Thanks in andvance!

by FengZhou
Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:25 pm
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: require netcdf for 64-bit platform!
Replies: 7
Views: 8311

require netcdf for 64-bit platform!

Hi, Has anyone tried to run roms on 64-bit platform. Usually it works under 32-bit platform with intel ifort compiler. Now I am trying to move them on the 64-bit platform, which is a supercomputer: NEC with redhat linux system. I can't make them compile because I haven't got a netcdf library of 64-b...
by FengZhou
Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:22 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: abnormally low temperature at the open doundary
Replies: 2
Views: 3528

reply for boundary condition

Hi, Kate,

Only the Eastern boundary is open. I chose



and also I use
by FengZhou
Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:50 am
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: pgf90 compilation problem
Replies: 6
Views: 9620

Re: pgf90 compilation problem

Hi everybody, I am trying to compile ROMS on linux with pgi fortran compiler, 1) My first error: -Unable to open include file: mpif.h (mod_parallel.f90: 18) I go to line and change the following line include 'mpif.h' to include '/usr/mpich/pgi/include/mpif.h' it works, but is there anyway to do thi...
by FengZhou
Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:41 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: abnormally low temperature at the open doundary
Replies: 2
Views: 3528

abnormally low temperature at the open doundary

Hi, I make a test running in Bohai Sea. It's all closed but the eastern boundary. The inner domain of circulation and temperature are all realsonable as I expect. Howeever the temperature at the eastern bondary (the most eastern column: Lm) is abnormally low and the gradient is pretty strong and wei...
by FengZhou
Mon Oct 17, 2005 6:28 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: how do i get initial conditions?
Replies: 2
Views: 3537

I recommend to try the case of Damee_4

If you just want to know how to prepare initial, forcing and so on data, you can try the case of Damee_4. They are already for download on the ROMS websit.

by FengZhou
Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:38 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: MPI error ? and how to run MPI ?
Replies: 5
Views: 7658

another questions: how to start MPI with ROMS/Rutgers 2.2

Many thanks to both of you. Yes I am running west coast and east coast version of ROMS at the same time. The former is easy to start and I've got powerful preprocessing tools (Roms_tools). The results looks good, but I can't run them with MPI. The problem is as above. Any way, thank you so much! I a...
by FengZhou
Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:43 am
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: MPI error ? and how to run MPI ?
Replies: 5
Views: 7658

MPI error ? and how to run MPI ?

I got trouble when I wanted to use 2 or more nodes to run ROMS MPI,but it works with only one node. The basic configuration of my model is : parameter (LLm0=167, MMm0=244, N=20) ! <--East China Sea parameter (NP_XI=2, NP_ETA=3, NNODES=NP_XI*NP_ETA) parameter (NSUB_X=1, NSUB_E=2, NPP=1) so horizontal...