Search found 31 matches

by stlaur
Mon Jul 15, 2024 6:57 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: Typo in ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/red_tide.h
Replies: 0
Views: 3012

Typo in ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/red_tide.h

Line #1 of ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/red_tide.h appears to have a typo:
#undef NEWMAN -> #undef NEUMANN
by stlaur
Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:16 pm
Forum: ROMS Discussion
Topic: 2 grid questions
Replies: 2
Views: 10037

Re: 2 grid questions

Information about the vertical discretization is to be provided in the text file roms_*.in. I think the idea is that if one uses an analytical initial condition, then they would be able to change `N' (number of vertical levels) or the stretching parameters inside roms_*.in, without having to modify ...
by stlaur
Tue Aug 15, 2023 3:25 pm
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: Fast `puddle drying' algorithm
Replies: 1
Views: 7468

Re: Fast `puddle drying' algorithm

A quick update on this---"artificial ponding" is the proper term for what I was referring to. E.g., Since the initial post, I came up with a satisfyingly-fast function to handle the ponds in postprocessing. Happy to share if someone is interested (psl ...
by stlaur
Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:44 pm
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: Fast `puddle drying' algorithm
Replies: 1
Views: 7468

Fast `puddle drying' algorithm

When using realistic coastal topography and inundation (WET_DRY), it is not uncommon for wetdry_mask_rho to feature a few wet `puddles' that are disconnected from the main body of water, at least temporarily. I'm looking for a fast `puddle drying' algorithm, i.e. one that is provided a logical mask ...
by stlaur
Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:14 pm
Forum: Job Opportunities
Topic: Postdoctoral scholar position in numerical modeling of coastal waters
Replies: 0
Views: 7211

Postdoctoral scholar position in numerical modeling of coastal waters

The Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at The Pennsylvania State University is seeking a postdoctoral scholar in the area of numerical modeling of coastal waters . The postdoctoral scholar will work with Raymond Najjar, Professor of Oceanography ( ...
by stlaur
Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:56 am
Forum: ROMS Discussion
Topic: Running ocean models on GPU
Replies: 1
Views: 2241

Re: Running ocean models on GPU

Since you mention it, there was a short paper circulating around back in ~2011 about running ROMS on a NVIDIA GPU. I don't remember what it said, but I attached it to this post.
by stlaur
Fri May 13, 2022 1:57 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: Typo in ROMS/Utility/checkdefs.F
Replies: 0
Views: 7590

Typo in ROMS/Utility/checkdefs.F

The line:

Code: Select all

# if defined PC02AIR_DATA
has a typo; it should be a upper case letter o (oxygen) but the line has a zero.
by stlaur
Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:43 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: Typos in and varinfo.dat
Replies: 2
Views: 9214

Typos in and varinfo.dat

A few typos in the trunk version. In file User/External/ ! Input lateral boundary conditions and climatology file names. The ! USER has the option to split input data time records into several ! NetCDF files (see prologue instructions above). If so, use a single ! line per entry with a ...
by stlaur
Fri Feb 18, 2022 9:19 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: netcdf_close with BIOLOGY and multi-file BRY files
Replies: 3
Views: 7231

netcdf_close with BIOLOGY and multi-file BRY files

I'm running ROMS with the trunk version, BIOLOGY activated, and I have "multi-file" BRY files (one BRY file per calendar year). The code is compiled in serial mode with ifort, USE_DEBUG and USE_NETCDF4. At the end of the year, when ROMS is ready to switch to the next BRY file, it enters this block ...
by stlaur
Sun Feb 13, 2022 5:13 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: Typo in build_roms.csh
Replies: 1
Views: 8274

Typo in build_roms.csh

Code: Select all

#setevn USE_HDF5            on          # compile with HDF5 library
should be setenv
by stlaur
Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:04 pm
Forum: ROMS Installation
Topic: gfortran -ffast-math experience
Replies: 3
Views: 8624

Re: gfortran -ffast-math experience

I accidentally ran ROMS with the default values of, meaning ffast-math and O3. Since I had this unexpected data point in hand, I thought I should conduct a few more tests and then report on this thread, in support of the original post (by John Warner) recommending the removal of ...
by stlaur
Sat Sep 18, 2021 4:39 pm
Forum: ROMS Usage
Topic: Clarification about ROMS/Utility/get_nudgcoef.F
Replies: 1
Views: 10153

Clarification about ROMS/Utility/get_nudgcoef.F

Good afternoon, I have a little question related to ROMS/Utility/get_nudgcoef.F, first introduced in the post: As described in the post, get_nudgcoef.F is designed to handle values in either day-1 or s-1. Its logic follows the "units" metadata ...
by stlaur
Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:29 pm
Forum: ROMS Ecosystem
Topic: Suggestions for Nonlinear/Biology/fennel.h
Replies: 1
Views: 6572

Suggestions for Nonlinear/Biology/fennel.h

Good afternoon, I have two suggestions regarding Nonlinear/Biology/fennel.h (Rutgers trunk version): (1) On line 516, the code splits into two cases according to surface PAR: IF (PARsur(i).gt.0.0_r8) THEN followed on line 714 by: ELSE I'll refer to those two cases as "day-time" (PAR>0) and "night ...
by stlaur
Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:12 pm
Forum: ROMS Source
Topic: Question about HSIMT in step3d_t.F (trunk version)
Replies: 1
Views: 11246

Question about HSIMT in step3d_t.F (trunk version)

Good morning, I apologize in advance if I'm wrong about what follows. I could be misinterpreting the code. Early on in step3d_t.F (lines 334-350), oHz is computed as: IF (Lmpdata) THEN DO k=1,N(ng) DO j=Jstrm2,Jendp2 DO i=Istrm2,Iendp2 oHz(i,j,k)=1.0_r8/Hz(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO ELSE DO k=1,N ...
by stlaur
Sun Mar 01, 2020 4:48 pm
Forum: ROMS Source
Topic: Typo in following overhaul of advection schemes
Replies: 4
Views: 13626

Re: Typo in following overhaul of advection schemes

Just to complete the earlier post---here is the relevant part of ROMS/Utility/read_phypar.F (as of rev.1008): CASE ('Hadvection') IF ( THEN itracer=itracer+1 ELSE itracer=1 ! next nested grid END IF itrc=itracer Npts=load_tadv(Nval, Cval, line, nline, itrc, igrid, & & itracer, 1 ...
by stlaur
Fri Feb 28, 2020 9:38 pm
Forum: ROMS Source
Topic: Typo in following overhaul of advection schemes
Replies: 4
Views: 13626

Typo in following overhaul of advection schemes

Good afternoon, I think there is a typo in the GLOSSARY section of It says: ! or in nested applications ! ! Hadvection == U3 \ ! temperature, Grid 1 ! U3 \ ! temperature, Grid 2 ! U3 \ ! temperature, Grid 3 ! HSIMT \ ! salinity, Grid 1 ! HSIMT \ ! salinity, Grid 2 ! HSIMT ! salinity, Grid 3 ...
by stlaur
Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:11 pm
Forum: Job Opportunities
Topic: Postdoctoral scholar position in Estuarine Plastics Modeling
Replies: 0
Views: 2031

Postdoctoral scholar position in Estuarine Plastics Modeling

A Post-Doctoral Scholar position is available at The Pennsylvania State University to study the transport and fate of plastics in the Chesapeake Bay using numerical models and to collaborate with experimentalists. The Post-Doctoral Scholar will work with an interdisciplinary team at two institutions ...
by stlaur
Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:15 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: Typo in ad_set_vbc.F line 1165 rev 973
Replies: 1
Views: 1910

Typo in ad_set_vbc.F line 1165 rev 973

There is a typo in ad_set_vbc.F on line 1165:

Code: Select all

     &            ad_stfx(i,j,itemp)
should be

Code: Select all

     &            ad_stflx(i,j,itemp)
(needs a "l" between "f" and "x").
by stlaur
Wed Aug 29, 2018 9:19 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: Typo in mod_scalars.F of rev. >=919
Replies: 0
Views: 2133

Typo in mod_scalars.F of rev. >=919

Good afternoon, I think there's a tiny typo in the recent versions of mod_scalars.F (revision >=919): #ifdef T_PASSIVE IF (.not.allocated(inert)) THEN allocate ( inert(NPT) ) END IF #endif Since "inert" is a pointer, I think it should be "IF(.not.associated(inert)" rather than "IF(.not.allocated ...
by stlaur
Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:16 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: WTYPE=9 causes division by zero in lmd_swfrac.F
Replies: 2
Views: 3509

Re: WTYPE=9 causes division by zero in lmd_swfrac.F

Maybe you can figure out what the parameters should be - probably a very small but finite value not zero WTYPE=9 (dark coastal water) is absent from the original papers (e.g. Paulson & Simpson JPO 1977) but the following publication (attached) from: ...
by stlaur
Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:27 pm
Forum: ROMS Bugs
Topic: WTYPE=9 causes division by zero in lmd_swfrac.F
Replies: 2
Views: 3509

WTYPE=9 causes division by zero in lmd_swfrac.F

I would like to report a division by zero that occurs when WTYPE=9 and SOLAR_SOURCE are selected. WTYPE=9 is defined in mod_scalars.F as: real(r8), dimension(9) :: lmd_mu1 = & & (/ 0.35_r8, 0.6_r8, 1.0_r8, 1.5_r8, 1.4_r8, & & 0.42_r8, 0.37_r8, 0.33_r8, 0.0_r8 /) Note that lmd_mu1 is 0.0_r8 for WTYPE ...
by stlaur
Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:06 pm
Forum: ROMS Discussion
Topic: Spurious supercooling in ROMS-CICE simulation
Replies: 33
Views: 23811

Re: Spurious supercooling in ROMS-CICE simulation

Just a suggestion---sensitivity to the choice of the advection scheme may possibly indicate that your grid stretching is more than it should be. Could be worth trying: (1) decreasing the number of vertical levels, (2) use conservative stretching parameters, (3) increase the horizontal resolution ...
by stlaur
Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:11 pm
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: Offline implementation of ROMS advection-diffusion schemes
Replies: 2
Views: 3527

Re: Offline implementation of ROMS advection-diffusion schem

Yes, that would work for my purpose. I see the option in my own version of the code (v.~3.3) and I will give it a try. Thanks for the reply.
by stlaur
Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:13 pm
Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
Topic: Offline implementation of ROMS advection-diffusion schemes
Replies: 2
Views: 3527

Offline implementation of ROMS advection-diffusion schemes

Hi, I have high-resolution outputs from ROMS and I would like to advect+diffuse an arbitrary 3-D scalar field using an `offline' implementation of ROMS advection-diffusion schemes. In other words, I'm looking for a Fortran/C/whatever program that takes as input the netcdf files, interpolates them in ...
by stlaur
Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:56 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F
Replies: 11
Views: 7422

Re: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F

I updated my code and it works great!
Thank you very much for providing this fix.

Best regards,

by stlaur
Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:23 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F
Replies: 11
Views: 7422

Re: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F

I would be very grateful if anybody that does not encounter this issue could describe what is happening in his roms code during the reading of boundary input data such as zeta_north(:,:). It can be simply a matter of inserting a couple of write(*,*) in your code to see what roms does. Just (please ...
by stlaur
Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:42 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F
Replies: 11
Views: 7422

Re: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F

I get the runtime error with: gfortran (gcc version 4.3.2, from Linux Debian Lenny). I also get the error on a different machine that uses: f95: Sun Fortran 95 8.3 SunOS_i386 Patch 127002-04 2008/04/16 and it says ****** FORTRAN RUN-TIME SYSTEM ****** An array expression does not conform : dim 1 is ...
by stlaur
Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:49 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F
Replies: 11
Views: 7422

Re: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F

Thanks for this reply! Unfortunately, I checked with ncdump -h, and by opening the file in Matlab, and zeta_north correctly has two dimensions (zeta_time and xi_rho), with one record in time. Numerous users of ROMS use boundary files and this is the first time that this is reported. I agree that ...
by stlaur
Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:15 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F
Replies: 11
Views: 7422

Re: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F

Perhaps a minimal testcase would make things clearer: program testcase implicit none integer, parameter :: UBi = 403, LBi = -2, UBj = 1 ! Dummy values. integer :: ng, model, ncid, Trec, Iend, Istr character(400) :: ncfile, Vname real, dimension((UBi-LBi+1)*UBj) :: A ! Dummy values for testcase. ng ...
by stlaur
Sat Aug 21, 2010 3:05 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F
Replies: 11
Views: 7422

Re: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F

Thanks for your help! ROMS is trying to get zeta_north(:,:) from my file. My zeta_north(:,:) array has only one record in time, and the other dimension is space (size Lm+2). What happens then is that net_cdf_get_fvar is called over line 400 of get_ngfld: CALL netcdf_get_fvar (ng, mode ...
by stlaur
Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:53 pm
Forum: ROMS Problems
Topic: Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F
Replies: 11
Views: 7422

Question on subroutine netcdf_get_fvar from mod_netcdf.F

Hello, I have a small question regarding subroutine netcdf_get_fvar. This routine is called within get_ngfld.F around line 400 (SVN rev.491M, very recent) to obtain a one-dimensional array called 'A(:)', yet the 'start' and 'total' arguments each have two elements (as if A(:) was two-dimensional ...