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arango - September 1, 2006 @ 16:28
Weak Constraint Observations Processing- Comments (0)

Fixed a couple of bugs:

  • Modified obs_initial.F, obs_read.F, and obs_write.F, so the observation arrays NLmodVal, TLmodVal and ObsScale are exchanged correctly in MPI applications. These arrays are now zero-out in obs_initial to allow exchanging data correctly between all tiles using mp_collect. Recall that the strategy here is to use a parallel reduction to process all these nontiled arrays. Otherwise, we will add nonzero and incorrect values to these processing observation arrays. Many thanks to Brian and Manu for reporting this problem.
  • Fixed a bug in output.F and ad_output.F when creating multiple average or diagnostic terms NetCDF files. We were ignoring the first time-averaging cycle so the file was empty because another file was created before writing the first time-averaged cycle. Now, the creation of the new NetCDF files is delayed by one time step. This bug only applies to time-averaged NetCDF. Many thanks to Andy for reporting this bug.
  • Added submit_is4dvar.bash which is required to run in some clusters. Therefore, we have the choice between csh and batch scripts.
For the current updated file list .