A Rapidly Relocatable Version of POM

Germana Peggion (USM)

University of Southern Mississippi

Daniel N. Fox

Naval Research Lab

NRLPOM is a version of the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) that has been implemented at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) for nowcasting and short-term (2-day) forecasting in support of real-time naval applications. The model is rapidly relocatable from deep to shallow, from open sea to inlets.
NRLPOM principal attributes are a user-friendly interface, the inclusion of tidal flow, and the option for several initialization procedures (warm, cold, diagnostic and combination) and boundary conditions algorithms. The system also has the capability of 1-way coupling with other real-time operational models or 1-way nesting (NRLPOM to NRLPOM). The boundary condition algorithms and the coupling/nesting procedure are robust and allow more accurate solutions for the inner high-resolution coastal domains.
The system has been designed to provide good solutions everywhere, rather than the best solution for a given problem on a given geographical region. We will discuss the main issues connected with this approach and the skill and limits of the relocatable model, while presenting the results from real-time exercises.