Equilibrium Structure and Dynamics of the California Current System

Patrick Marchesiello, James C. McWilliams, and Alexander F. Shchepetkin

Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics

University of California at Los Angeles, USA.

We have examined the structure and dynamical mechanisms of regional and meso-scale physical variability in the Northeast Pacific Ocean using ROMS. It is configured in subtropical, west-coastal domains that span the California Current System (CCS), with meso-scale resolution that currently is as fine as 3.5 km. Its forcing is by the mean seasonal cycle for atmospheric fluxes at the surface and adaptive nudging to gyre-scale fields at the open-water boundaries. Its equilibrium solutions show realistic mean and seasonal states and meso-scale eddies, fronts, and filaments. We find that the amount of eddy kinetic energy produced in the model is comparable to drifter and altimeter estimations in solutions with sufficiently fine resolution, from which we conclude that the dominant mesoscale variability in the CCS is intrinsic rather than forced. The dominant eddy generation is by baroclinic instability of the upwelling, along-shore currents. There is progressive movement of eddy energy off-shore and downwards into the oceanic interior in an annually recurrent cycle. The associated eddy heat fluxes provide the principal balance against the near-shore cooling by mean Ekman-transport and upwelling. The currents are highly non-uniform along the coast, with capes and ridges having very important influences in both maintaining mean standing eddies and launching off-shore transient filaments and fronts.