Idealized River Plume Simulations

Robert Hetland

Department of Oceanography

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

A series of numerical model runs is performed in an idealized domain to examine the formation of a river plume. Effects of estuary resolution are considered, as well as the effect of tides in the estuary. The along-channel length scale of the estuary can be shortened by increasing dissipation in the estuary, reducing the need to model the entire length of the estuary, while retaining identical exchange conditions. Tides may be included by modulating the riverine discharge in cases where tides on the shelf do not affect the plume. Using this method, tidal forcing along the open boundaries is unnecessary, avoiding complex and restrictive open boundary conditions as well as reflection of tides in the estuary. Resolution requirements of the estuary mouth an nearby coastal ocean are demonstrated using successively higher grid resolutions.