Using ROMS Lagrangian-Float Simulations to Estimate Exchange Rates Between Spatial Compartments in a Tidal Estuary

Mark Hadfield

National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research

New Zealand

My colleagues and I are attempting to build a spatially aggregated ecosystem model to estimate aquaculture sustainability in Beatrix Bay, which is a branch of Pelorus Sound, New Zealand. Pelorus Sound is a drowned river valley system subject to tidal forcing and occasional large freshwater inputs. The water is normally stratified and the tidal flow along the contorted main channel generates internal tides and seiches.

Attempts have been made to estimate exchange rates between the spatial compartments in the ecosystem model using high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations with Eulerian tracers. At a given time each compartment is filled with a tracer, then the tracer field is examined one or two tidal cycles later to see how much of each tracer has escaped into the other boxes. From this information it is straightforward to estimate a matrix of exchange rates. This approach produces reasonable and self-consistent rates for horizontal exchange, provided the compartments are chosen appropriately. For vertical exchange the estimated rates are much too high. The main problem appears to be that undulations in the material surfaces due to internal waves are mis-interpreted as large vertical exchanges.

The ROMS model is being set up for the Pelorus Sound system in order to carry Lagrangian-float simulations of horizontal and vertical exchange. Given the extra information available from Lagrangian trajectories (relative to Eulerian concentration fields for the corresponding dispersion experiment) it should be possible to correct for some of the effects that generate excessively large vertical exchange.