Implementation of MPDATA and Isoneutral Diffusion in Sigma-Coordinate Ocean Models

Jens Debernard

Norwegian Meteorological Insitute, Oslo, Norway

Considered is the implementation of the positive definite advection scheme MPDATA and a rotated isoneutral diffusion tensor into DNMIs version of the POM model. The work is motivated by the fact that when constructing ocean models for use in climate change simulations the conservation of heat and salt becomes of paramount importance. The commonly employed leapfrog scheme for advection is severely dispersive and can produce artificial water masses when used in coarse resolution simulations. With the non-oscillatory MPDATA algorithm, the situation is greatly improved.

To further refine the water mass conservation a rotated isoneutral diffusion tensor is implemented to favorable mixing along density surfaces and to reduce dianeutral mixing.

The influence of these new implementations on the general model behavior will be illustrated.