Modeling Low-Latititude Western Boundary Currents and the Indonesian Throughflow using POM

B. Bang, T. Jensen, T. Miyama, H. Mitsudera and T. Qu

International Pacific Research Center

University of Hawaii

Frontier Research System for Global Change

Tokyo, Japan

POM has been set up and applied for a study of oceanic processes associated with low-latitude western boundary currents (LLWBC) in the Pacific Ocean and in the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) region. The model uses a telescoping variable grid. The highest resolution is 1/3 deg in a subdomain covering the ITF region and decreases gradually to 1.2 deg over 20 deg wide transition zones. The model domain is the Pacific and Indian Ocean north of 60S. Details of the model configuration will be discussed. Using monthly Hellerman- Rosenstein wind stress, reduced in magnitude to 70%, and a monthly NCEP re-analysis climatology of heat flux and net precipitation, a 30 year simulation was done. The model results show most of the observed flows, including the northward shift of the NEC bifurcation latitude with depth, a preferred transport of surface water through the Lombok Strait, with an annual cycle in phase with the observations. The annual mean ITF transport in the model is 17 Sv.