Ocean Modeling, Expert System Developers Meeting
NCAR's Foothills Lab, ATD Atrium
Boulder, CO July 10-11, 2003

Thursday, July 10

08:30 - Welcome, Logistics and Opening Remarks (30 min)
James C. McWilliams, IGGP, UCLA
Dale B. Haidvogel, IMCS, Rutgers University

09:00 - Expert System Project Overview (30 min)
C. Linwood Vincent, Office of Naval Research

09:30 - ROMS/TOMS Technical Overview and Status
Tal Ezer, Princeton University  (10 min)
Hernan G. Arango, IMCS, Rutgers University  (20 min)
John Wilkin, IMCS, Rutgers University  (10 min)

10:10 - BREAK

10:20 - ROMS Numerical Algorithms and Applications
Alexander F. Shchepetkin, IGGP, UCLA (20 min)
James C. McWilliams, IGGP, UCLA (20 min)

11:00 - ROMS/TOMS Tangent Linear and Adjoint Models
Andrew M. Moore, PAOS, University of Colorado (20 min)
Hernan G. Arango, IMCS, Rutgers University
Arthur J. Miller, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Bruce Cornuelle, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Emanule Di Lorenzo, Scripps Institute of Oceanography

11:20 - Non-hydrostatic Parallel Coastal Ocean Modeling: The SUNTANS Project
Oliver B. Fringer, Stanford University  (20 min)
Margot Gerritsen, Stanford University
Robert L. Street, Stanford University

11:40 - Modeling Non-hydrostatic Coastal Flows Using a Re-scaled Height Coordinate
Alistair Adcroft, PAOC, MIT  (20 min)
John Marshall, PAOC, MIT

12:00 - LUNCH

13:00 - Numerical Cabbeling in an Ocean Model
Mohammed Iskandarani, RSMAS, University of Miami (20 min)
Eric P. Chassignet, RSMAS, University of Miami

13:20 - Bridging the Gap Between Idealized and Realistic Numerical River Plume Simulations
Robert Hetland, Texas A&M University (20 min)

13:40 - Design of the Generalized Vertical Coordinate Ocean Model
Tony Song, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (20 min)

1400 - Hybrid Vertical Coordinate Systems (60 min)
Discussion Leader: Robert Hallberg, NOAA GFDL, Princeton University
Moderator: Alistair Adcroft, PAOC, MIT

15:00 - BREAK

15:20 - Mixing Processes and Sub-Grid Scale Parameterizations (70 min)
Discussion Leader: James C. McWilliams, IGGP, UCLA
Moderator: Theresa Paluszkiewicz, Office of Naval Research

16:30 - Earth System Modeling Framework (70 min)
Discussion Leader: Christopher Hill, PAOC, MIT
Moderator: John Wilkin, IMCS, Rutgers University

Friday, July 11

8:30 - Open Forum (90 min)
Moderator: Dale B. Haidvogel

10:00 - BREAK

10:20 - Open Forum (90 min)
Moderator: James C. McWilliams

11:50 - Adjourn