2008 ROMS/TOMS European Workshop

Fort de la Bastille

Grenoble from the L'Isère

We are inviting you to participate at the next ROMS/TOMS European Workshop to be held at the Jean Kuntzmann laboratory amphitheater, Saint Martin d'Hères Campus, Grenoble, France, October 6-8, 2008.

The registration is open until August 1, 2008. The abstracts are due by August 29, 2008. To register click here (you will be asked to log in). If you are not a registered ROMS user please register or send an email to Hernan Arango. If you need an invitation letter click here.

For those arriving in Grenoble on or before Saturday, October 4th, the MEOM team will organize a hike (with a pic-nic) for Sunday, October 5th in the mountains. Jean Marc Molines and Bernard Barnier will organize the hike. If you would like to join us please check the "Hike" box on the registration form.

We are also planning a visit to the Coriolis Rotating Table. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Looking forward to seeing you in Grenoble,

Organizing Committee,

Bernard Barnier, LEGI-CNRS
Laurent Debreu, LJK, INRIA
John Wilkin, IMCS, Rutgers University
Hernan G. Arango, IMCS, Rutgers University