A TEOS-10 compliant version of ROMS for polar applications

Ben Galton-Fenzi$^{1,2,3}$, Trevor McDougall$^4$, Glenn Hyland$^{1,2}$ and Paul Barker$^4$

1. Australian Antarctic Division

2. Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems CRC

3. Antarctic Gateway Partnership, University of Tasmania

4. University of New South Wales



2016 ROMS Asia-Pacific Workshop

17-21 October 2016

Greenland and Antarctica

Fig 13.14 IPCC. 2013.

  • How much SLR are we able to adapt to over the next 100 years?

Ice age cycles

Grant et al. 2014.

The Antarctic Ice Sheet


source: NASA JPL

Ice melting into seawater


  • Dynamics and thermodynamics

source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=olFzcye4iSs

TEOS-10: EOS for dynamics

Conservative temperature, $\Theta$

$\Theta = \frac{h^0}{c_p^0}$

where $c_p^0 =$ 3991.867 957 119 63 J kg$^{-1}$ K$^{-1}$

Absolute salinity, $S_A$

For seawater with a standard composition:

$S_A = S_R = \left( \frac{35.165 04 g kg^{-1}}{35} \right) S_P$, g kg$^{-1}$


$S_A = S_R + \delta S_A$

where the Absolute Salinity anomaly, $\delta S_A$, requires spatial interpolation of global dataset.

$\delta S_A$

EOS seamount testcase

  • Stratified ocean and zero forcing experiment. The ocean should remain at rest.
  • Important test with every new domain.

GSW EOS $f(\Theta, S_A)$: Zero forcing

Modified EOS for boussinesq models following Roquet et al. 2015. Ocean Modelling

  • The stiffened TEOS_10 EOS performs marginally better than the EOS-80 version.

Ice/ocean thermodynamics

Double diffusion

Huppert & Turner, Nature. 1978.

The molecular flux of heat:

$Q^T = -\rho c_p k^T \nabla T + \frac{B \mu_{S_A}}{\rho k_S T} Q^S$

Assuming the cross-diffusion coefficient $B$ can be taken to be zero, the molecular diffusion of heat is proportional to the gradient of in situ temperature, or Fourier's Law

The molecular flux of salt

$Q_w^S = -\rho k^S \left( \nabla S_A + \frac{\mu_{,P}}{\mu_{,{S_A}}} \nabla P \right) - \left[\frac{\rho k^S T}{\mu_{,{S_A}}} \left( \frac{\mu}{T} \right)_{,T} + \frac{B}{T^2} \right] \nabla T$

which shows, in the absence of a temperature gradient $\nabla T = 0$, the salt flux is proportional to both the salinity gradient and $\rho \kappa_S \frac{\mu_{,P}}{\mu_{,{S_A}}} \nabla P$, known as ``barodiffusion'' as it causes a flux of salt down the gradient of pressure.

The molecular flux of salt

Assuming the film is thin enough that the processes are occurring at constant pressure, $\frac{\mu_{,P}}{\mu_{,{S_A}}} \nabla P = 0$, and the cross-diffusion terms $B = 0$, then the conventional form of the salt flux equation, Fick's Law, is:

$Q_w^S = -\rho k^S \nabla S_A $

The Soret effect

However, for a temperature gradient not equal to zero, then the expression for the salt flux is:

$Q_w^S = -\rho k^S \nabla S_A - \left[ \frac{\rho k^S T}{\mu_{,{S_A}}} \left( \frac{\mu}{T} \right)_{,T} \right] \nabla T$

The second term on the R.H.S. is a flux of salt due to the gradient of in situ temperature and is called the Soret effect.

Composition specific $S_T$

For polar oceans under ice, diffusion driven by the Soret effect is about $S_T$ times the diffusion driven by the gradient in salinity alone, also known as Fick’s Law.

The Soret effect becomes more important with decreasing salinity gradients.

Modeling the basal melting

Gwyther et al. 2016.

Heat flux budget

$Q_{latent} = Q_M - Q_I$

$Q_M \gg Q_I$

$\rho_i L m = \rho c_w \gamma_T (T_M-T_B)$

The Three Equations

$\rho_i L m = \rho c_w \gamma_T (T_M-T_B)$

$\rho_i S_B m = \rho \gamma_S (S_M-S_B)$

$T_B = T_{linear freezing}(S_B,P)$

Exchange velocities

$\gamma_t = \frac{\kappa_t Nu}{h} = f(u^{\star}, Pr)$

$\gamma_S = \frac{\kappa_S Sh}{h} = f(u^{\star}, Sc)$

Functions are parameterized from boundary layer observations under sea-ice, e.g. McPhee, 2008.

Not consistent with ROMS turbulence closure model.

Turbulence at the interface

Large Eddy Simulation. Gayen et al. 2015

Is there need for different values of $\gamma$ for S and T?

The nature of the interface

source: ROV, MBARI, Weddell Sea

A little bit of turbulence?

A consistent approach

Assuming the total transfer, is the sum of the molecular, $\kappa$, and turbulence, $K$, diffusivities

$Nu = (\kappa_t + K)/\kappa_t$

$Sh = (\kappa_S + K)/\kappa_S$


$\gamma_t = \frac{\kappa_t + K}{h}$

$\gamma_S = \frac{\kappa_S + K}{h}$

where, $K$ is the component of the exchange velocity due to turbulence alone, and can be provided by a turbulence closure model.

When turbulent:

$K \gg \kappa_t$ and $K \gg \kappa_S$ and thus

$\gamma_t \approx \gamma_S$.

A useful value of $h$ is the model uppermost layer thickness, $\Delta z$, where the values of $T$, $S$ and $K$ are found.

Evolving ice base experiment

Evolving ice base experiment

ROMSIceShelf: idealised evolving ice


Galton-Fenzi, unpublished

ROMSIceShelf: idealised evolving ice


Galton-Fenzi, unpublished

For TEOS-10 compliance

Where we are going with ROMS

  • ROMSIceShelf
  • github https://github.com/bkgf/romsIceShelf
  • Development: nonlinear freezing temperature and frazil
    $\hbar^B \equiv (1 - w^{Ih})\hbar + w^{Ih} \hbar^{Ih}$
    $S_A^B \equiv (1 - w^{Ih}) S_A$
  • Unexploited features: Adjoint framework, 2-way nesting, sediment code, sea ice ...


  • Australian Antarctic Division
  • Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems CRC
  • Antarctic Gateway Partnership
  • National Computing Infrastructure and the Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing
  • David Gwyther, Eva Cougnon, Kaitlin Alexander, Mike Dinniman, John Hunter, Trevor McDougall, Paul Barker, Glenn Hyland, Rupert Gladstone, David Holland
  • Software: Rutgers ROMS, github and reveal.js




Ocean heat uptake, 1 ZJ = 10$^{21}$J

IPCC, AR5, 2013

Motivation 1: sea level projections and observations


Motivation 1: sea level projections and observations

Motivation 2: global thermohaline circulation

Abyssal ocean CFC-11 concentration; Orsi et al., 1999.

Motivation 2: global thermohaline circulation

Rintoul, 2007.

Hypothesis: AABW freshening is due to the enhanced melting of glacial ice from Antarctica.


Source: The Australian newspaper. 2015.

Key science questions:

Schematic of Ice shelf/ocean interactions

Galton-Fenzi et al. 2014.

Many ice shelves are rapidly thinning, 2003-2009

Pritchard et al. 2012.

Enhanced ice shelf erosion by warmer ocean

Melting and calving

Liu and others, PNAS, 2015.

Ocean-driven thinning enhances iceberg calving and retreat of Antarctic ice shelves

Rapid thinning of Totten Glacier Catchment

Pritchard et al. 2012.

Ocean model results

Modified ROMS, Gwyther et al. 2014.

Interannual variability

Modified ROMS, Gwyther et al. 2014.

Modes of melting

Jacobs 1992.

Sketch of heat flux budgets driving ice melt

↑ WINDS = ↑ Q$^{CDW}$ = ↑ MELT

Sensitivity to winds and mixing

Dinniman et al. 2012.

↑ WINDS = ↑ Q$^{a}$ = ↓ MELT


150 m Envisat image from 28 August 2009.
Note convection-driven Langmuir-type circulation

Regions of dense water formation

Tamura et al. 2008.

Vertical mixing schemes in models need work

Melting and freezing

thermodynamic Onsager “forces” On the ocean side the molecular flux of heat will be down the gradient of $1/T$ and the molecular flux of salt will be down the gradient $-\mu / T$, as follows (Appendix B of the TEOS-10 manual:

$Q^T = B \nabla (-\mu/T) + C \nabla (1/T)$

$Q^S = A \nabla (-\mu/T) + B \nabla (1/T)$

Thick Ice

Marine ice sheet instability: where, when and why?

Fretwell et al. 2013.