function otps2frc_v5(gfile,base_date,pred_date,ofile,model_file,dname) %otps2frc_v5 Generete OTPS tidal forcing file for ROMS % %otps2frc_v5(gfile,base_date,pred_date,ofile,model_file,dname) generates a ROMS tidal %forcing ofile using the ROMS gridfile gfile and the tidal %reference time base_date in matlab time. pred_date is the %prediction timde for nodal corrections, typically the center time %of a two year prediction period, also in MATLAB time.model_file is %the path to the directory contained to appropriate OTPS model output % % %Example: % gfile='' % base_date=datenum(2006,1,1); % pred_date=datenum(2006,1,1); % ofile=''; % model_file='DATA/Model_EC'; % otps2frc_v5(gfile,base_date,pred_date,ofile,model_file,'ESPRESSO') % %Requirements: %T_TIDE tidal analysis package %"tidal_ellipse" (Zhigang Xu) package, ap2ep.m %Requires Oregon tmd % %Originally written by John Evans %Revised by Eli Hunter 3/7/07 %Revised by Eli Hunter 5/25/07 (corrected phase lag error) % REVISED by Eli Hunter 8/2/2011 Added 'nodal', to t_vuf and changed Tide.period % REVISED by Eli Hunter 6/10/2016 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Collect the information necessary to run extract_HC and %create setup files. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% vars={'z','u','v'}; %harmonics_prefix='otps_harmonics_'; %Build grid file %llfile='./ll.dat'; %roms2ll(gfile,llfile); %disp(['Gridfile ' gfile ' lat/lon written to ' llfile]) if ~(exist(model_file,'file')) error(['No Such model file: ' model_file]) end lon=ncread(gfile,'lon_rho'); lat=ncread(gfile,'lat_rho'); disp(['Mode parameter file used: ' model_file]) % [z_amp,z_phase,Depth,conList]=tmd_extract_HC(model_file,lat,lon,vars{1},[]); [u_amp,u_phase,Depth,conList]=tmd_extract_HC(model_file,lat,lon,vars{2},[]); [v_amp,v_phase,Depth,conList]=tmd_extract_HC(model_file,lat,lon,vars{3},[]); conList figure(1) colormap(jet) EC_map(0) hold on pcolor(lon,lat,squeeze(z_amp(1,:,:))) shading flat colorbar caxis([0 .75]) hold off mask_rho = ncread( gfile, 'mask_rho' ); land = find(mask_rho==0); water = find(mask_rho==1); % % % cnames=upper(char(conList)); % % % % % % % Make sure that the OTPS mask agrees with the ROMS mask. % % Fill in any points that ROMS thinks is water but OTPS thinks is land. num_constituents = length(conList); a=t_getconsts; % for j = 1:num_constituents component = squeeze ( z_amp(j,:,: ) ); z_amp(j,:,:) = match_roms_mask ( lon, lat, mask_rho, component ); component = squeeze ( z_phase(j,:,: ) ); z_phase(j,:,:) = match_roms_mask ( lon, lat, mask_rho, component ); component = squeeze ( u_amp(j,:,: ) ); u_amp(j,:,:) = match_roms_mask ( lon, lat, mask_rho, component ); component = squeeze ( u_phase(j,:,: ) ); u_phase(j,:,:) = match_roms_mask ( lon, lat, mask_rho, component ); component = squeeze ( v_amp(j,:,: ) ); v_amp(j,:,:) = match_roms_mask ( lon, lat, mask_rho, component ); component = squeeze ( v_phase(j,:,: ) ); v_phase(j,:,:) = match_roms_mask ( lon, lat, mask_rho, component ); iconst(j)=strmatch(cnames(j,:),; Tide.period(j)=1/a.freq(iconst(j)); end % % Tide.names = cnames; % % Ntide = length(Tide.period); % rg = roms_get_grid ( gfile ); [Lp,Mp] = size(lon); % % % % %*********************************************************************** % % This is the call to t_vuf that % % will correct the phase to be at the user specified time. Also, the amplitude % % is corrected for nodal adjustment. % % % Reference latitude for 3rd order satellites (degrees) is % % set to 55. You don't need to adjust this to your local latitude % % It could also be set to NaN as in Xtide, with very little effect. % % See T_VUF for more info. % reflat=55; datestr(base_date) [V,U,F]=t_vuf('nodal',base_date,iconst,reflat); [Vp,Up,Fp]=t_vuf('nodal',pred_date,iconst,reflat);%Only used for nodal correction. %vv and uu are returned in cycles, so * by 360 to get degrees or * by 2 pi to get radians V=V*360; % convert vv to phase in degrees U=U*360; % convert uu to phase in degrees Vp=Vp*360; % convert vv to phase in degrees Up=Up*360; % convert uu to phase in degrees for k=1:Ntide; z_phase(k,:,:) = z_phase(k,:,:) - Up(k) - V(k); % degrees z_amp(k,:,:) =z_amp(k,:,:) .* Fp(k); u_phase(k,:,:) =u_phase(k,:,:) - Up(k) - V(k); % degrees u_amp(k,:,:) = u_amp(k,:,:) .* Fp(k); v_phase(k,:,:) = v_phase(k,:,:) - Up(k) - V(k); % degrees v_amp(k,:,:) =v_amp(k,:,:) .* Fp(k); end % % z_phase=mod(z_phase,360); u_phase=mod(u_phase,360); v_phase=mod(v_phase,360); z_amp = zero_out_land ( z_amp, land ); z_phase = zero_out_land ( z_phase, land ); % Tide.Ephase = z_phase(:,:,:); Tide.Eamp = z_amp(:,:,:); % % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Convert tidal current amplitude and phase lag parameters to tidal % % current ellipse parameters: Major axis, ellipticity, inclination, % % and phase. Use "tidal_ellipse" (Zhigang Xu) package. % %--------------------------------------------------------------------- [major,eccentricity,inclination,phase]=ap2ep(u_amp,u_phase,v_amp,v_phase); major = zero_out_land ( major, land ); eccentricity = zero_out_land ( eccentricity, land ); major = major/100; Tide.Cmax=major; Tide.Cmin=major.*eccentricity; Tide.Cangle= zero_out_land ( inclination, land ); Tide.Cphase = zero_out_land ( phase, land ); % % write_roms_otps_ncfile_v2( Tide, gfile, ofile,base_date,model_file,dname);